Today was a nice day for speeches about National Security. We first had President Obama give a speech in the very home of the original Constitution of the United States, and the original Bill of Rights. His speech was aimed primarily at explaining his actions and pointing out the fact that there's a fine line between Transparency and National Security.
It was a nice speech. It was loaded up heavily with contradictions such as the "Surgical Approach" line that he used in his campaign. What I mean by that is that he promises that he'll be as transparent as possible, and that he'll overhaul the "State's Secrets" policy that has been used for decades by administrations from both parties, but that he'll use a "surgical approach". Translation: "I'm really not going to do what I just said, I'll just I'm a surgeon...". Hey Mr. President, surgeons actually work - they go through an inhumane amount of schooling and training to get to where they are - they don't just fall backward into a pile of money the size of Uncle Scrooge's Money Bin and spend all their days golfing - I don't know if you were aware of that - so don't take all of their money by way of over-taxation, and don't destroy their careers through socializing medicine!!
Okay...back to the subject.
The President tends to contradict himself in many of his speeches. Maybe it's not as much contradicting himself as it is just lying. I don't know if I'm allowed to use the "L" word though. It's amazing to me that he can get away with it so well. He is a great speaker - he really makes those speeches come alive. The text of his full speech is here, so read it if you will. However, when you listen to the speech, rather than just read it, I would venture to say you'd agree with me that he is a gifted man.
All gifts aside, I prefer a little substance. If all our leaders had an honest and sincere position to stand behind, we'd all be better off. That's why I liked Dick Cheney's speech, which almost immediately followed President Obama's speech, that he gave at the American Enterprise Institute.
Former Vice President Cheney is a good man with a very honest approach. This is the line I liked the best:
"Your kind invitation brings me here as a private citizen, a career in politics behind me, no elections to win or lose, and no favor to seek."
Wow, imagine if all political speeches had such promise!
Here's a link to the transcript of Dick Cheney's speech, and here are the links to the video of the speech - part 1, 2, 3, and 4.
I've embedded some little gems for y'all below:
I like the fact that Dick Cheney is out there trying his darnedest to set the record straight. I'm giving him my vote to keep on going.
May 21, 2009
May 13, 2009
May 11, 2009
ACORN - pretty scary.
Please watch This, but before you do, make sure you're sitting down, with a bowl of Ice Cream - preferably Mint 'n' Chip, the Breyer's variety.
Blame Game
This morning I read the following headline on the Drudge Report:
High U.S. Budget Deficits not Obama's Fault - Orzag.
I thought it was interesting that this is the official tone of the White House, and has been since the beginning of this administration. If there's a problem, or if there's any criticism concerning how President Obama reacts to any situations, the standard defense is "Let's not forget, I inherited this (insert problem)..."
The article above is in related to the Budget deficit, which is now estimated to be $1.8Trillion.
To be fair, Obama didn't blame Bush for the NYC Air force 1 press photo fiasco; for that he blamed his Military Office Director.
That was darn decent of him.
What will be a fun game the next three and a half years is to try and guess which official in the cabinet will next fall on their sword for Obama.
Long live the King.
High U.S. Budget Deficits not Obama's Fault - Orzag.
I thought it was interesting that this is the official tone of the White House, and has been since the beginning of this administration. If there's a problem, or if there's any criticism concerning how President Obama reacts to any situations, the standard defense is "Let's not forget, I inherited this (insert problem)..."
The article above is in related to the Budget deficit, which is now estimated to be $1.8Trillion.
To be fair, Obama didn't blame Bush for the NYC Air force 1 press photo fiasco; for that he blamed his Military Office Director.
That was darn decent of him.
What will be a fun game the next three and a half years is to try and guess which official in the cabinet will next fall on their sword for Obama.
Long live the King.
May 5, 2009
The American Trinity: A Video Presentation
May 3, 2009
This past week, a major change crept over the American Auto industry. Chrysler declared bankruptcy. The deal was announced on Thursday by the President and spelled out in detail all over the news. Here's one the articles that I urge you to read.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Auto companies declaring bankruptcy, in order to free themselves from the bondage of the UAW, the United Auto Workers' Union; I say bondage because of the handicap that this union imposes on our American auto companies (here's a great Op ed piece by Mitt Romney that expounds on that). However, sometimes I wonder how these decisions are made.
Here's a fun quote from Jake Tapper's blog (Tapper's an ABC News correspondent for the White House Press Corp.): "A leading bankruptcy attorney representing hedge funds and money managers told ABC News Saturday that Steve Rattner, the leader of the Obama administration's Auto Industry Task Force, threatened one of the firms, an investment bank, that if it continued to oppose the administration's Chrysler bankruptcy plan, the White House would use the White House press corps to destroy its reputation."
What? When you read further, you'll see the response from the White House: "The charge is completely untrue," said White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton, "and there's obviously no evidence to suggest that this happened in any way."
Neat huh? Remember in Elementary School? "Teacher, Billy hit me!" Then little Billy pipes up..."Prove it!"
Ah, the White House at its best.
In the blog sited above you'll also read that there were four larger creditors to Chrysler, that were owed 70% of the total debt on Chrysler's books, that the investment firm in question joined in eventually pushing for bankruptcy. The four creditors were JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs. The blog points out that all of these firms and companies are recipients of huge amounts of TARP money. Hmm. I wonder if that had anything to do with their enthusiasm to take 29 cents on the dollar for their loans.
This is where our country is going - God Bless America.
PS - For those of you not familiar with Chrysler here are some cars they make:

The Dodge Challenger - very sweet!

Dodge Caravan - very nice!

Jeep - excellent!

Chrysler Sebring - Crap Sandwitch! There had to be some reason for the bankruptcy, right?
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Auto companies declaring bankruptcy, in order to free themselves from the bondage of the UAW, the United Auto Workers' Union; I say bondage because of the handicap that this union imposes on our American auto companies (here's a great Op ed piece by Mitt Romney that expounds on that). However, sometimes I wonder how these decisions are made.
Here's a fun quote from Jake Tapper's blog (Tapper's an ABC News correspondent for the White House Press Corp.): "A leading bankruptcy attorney representing hedge funds and money managers told ABC News Saturday that Steve Rattner, the leader of the Obama administration's Auto Industry Task Force, threatened one of the firms, an investment bank, that if it continued to oppose the administration's Chrysler bankruptcy plan, the White House would use the White House press corps to destroy its reputation."
What? When you read further, you'll see the response from the White House: "The charge is completely untrue," said White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton, "and there's obviously no evidence to suggest that this happened in any way."
Neat huh? Remember in Elementary School? "Teacher, Billy hit me!" Then little Billy pipes up..."Prove it!"
Ah, the White House at its best.
In the blog sited above you'll also read that there were four larger creditors to Chrysler, that were owed 70% of the total debt on Chrysler's books, that the investment firm in question joined in eventually pushing for bankruptcy. The four creditors were JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs. The blog points out that all of these firms and companies are recipients of huge amounts of TARP money. Hmm. I wonder if that had anything to do with their enthusiasm to take 29 cents on the dollar for their loans.
This is where our country is going - God Bless America.
PS - For those of you not familiar with Chrysler here are some cars they make:
The Dodge Challenger - very sweet!
Dodge Caravan - very nice!
Jeep - excellent!
Chrysler Sebring - Crap Sandwitch! There had to be some reason for the bankruptcy, right?
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