June 29, 2009

You Are Smart Enough To Make It...But Not Smart Enough To Use It For Good.

There is a perverse ideology afoot in the Republic which is espoused by the self-appointed intellectual elite.  This repulsive ideology is that in order to have a "moral and just" society, we must be collectively crammed into the same section of the bell curve.  The elite see finances as the way to enforce equality, and thus the idea that government sponsored and enforced redistribution of wealth is the only means to the utopian society that is at the heart of "hope and change and yes we can."  Or in other words, I "hope" I win the liberal lottery and receive greater entitlements like healthcare, free education all the way through college, and possibly $5,000 for every baby I bear...and a house would be nice with a Government Motors car.  The "change" must mean a change in the rules of the game...that what you earn...what you receive as payment for your productivity really isn't yours, and that past a certain amount you really don't deserve it...in fact you are a greedy mother chucker for having made it, you evil heartless beast!  And finally, the "yes we can" is the attitude espoused by the current administration and Congress as they state over and over, "we won, so we can do whatever we want."

If you doubt President Obama's true desires on this subject take a listen to the following audio from a radio interview he gave in 2001.  His words are pretty clear to me...if you doubt his true ambition you are either totally ignorant as to the truth or in denial, or deceptive and laying in wait for the right time to enflame class warfare and socialist redistributions policies.  
Following the Obama interview are several Milton Friedman interviews to give a little comparison of thoughts.
What is so perverse about the elitist stance is that on one hand the individual or family is competent enough to earn a substantial living, but the elitist not only doubts the morality of those earnings, but the ability of that person or family to use their family finances to good ends.  In essence they are saying, "you were smart enough, and prepared yourself sufficiently to make a good living, but you will not use the money you earn for good" (which good only comes from using the money to bring praise to the elite and his/her party of panderers).  So, the only thing left for the elitist liberal is to take what is not his/hers under the auspices of moral superiority stating that the ends justify the means.  The only way this thought process could become any more ridiculous is if those who believed in it dressed in a distinct fashion...similar to how goths dress in all black, gang members self-identify with different colors and dickies pants, and child abductors drive white vans with no windows in the back, the liberal elite who espouse the idea of redistributing wealth in a bizaro world Robin Hoodesque manner should dress the part.  That way their dress would match the absurdity of their ideology.  Time to bring out the green tights and elf shoes.  

If you think that I am mistaken and that Bush had eliminated taxes among the "rich" and that Rob'n for the Hood AKA Obama, Lil John-Joe Biden, and his band of merry men (thugs from ChiTown) are just helping increase patriotism through taxation among those robbed of that special opportunity by Bush, then you are foolishly mistaken and quite possibly are reading this blog while wearing green tights and elf shoes curled up at the toes.  Take a look at the Tax Foundation's figures of how the One's tax increases and overall spending shift has increased the redistribution of wealth.  

So, if you are for the government controlling how you spend your income, or in other words, how much of your income is rightfully yours, then you must have a pretty poor view of your own self worth and a severe inferiority complex to think that the gov can use your money better than you could.  If on the other hand, you feel that you and your family know how to use the money you make to create wealth for yourself and for those you might hire or pay for goods and  services, then you must wake up to the fact that there is a sizable portion of our society that is lurking in the forest, wearing green tights, waiting to pounce on you and take "their share" from your coin purse.  

June 24, 2009

Comparison of Leadership

Here's an interesting video taken from Hannity's America. It's a show on Fox News, the network I can only ever watch while getting a haircut because I can't afford cable. Luckily, because of this amazing invention called "The Internet", we have access to small exerpts from shows on cable - for free...actually, not for free, but cheaper than cable. Let's all take a moment of silence and thank Al Gore for "The Internet", which he invented.

Now, the video linked above shows the comparison between President Obama's response to the chaos in Iran, and President Reagan's response to the Soviet backed Polish Government's crackdown on a Trade Union Federation that was pro-Democracy back in 1981.

For what it's worth, Reagan was better.

Everything is on the Table

I recently viewed a quality video about Obama's health care plan, and how he's planning on paying for it. The man toward the end of the video is Ed Schultz. He's not a conservative. Just wanted to clear that up. Here's a link, and the video is embedded below.

The biggest concern I have is not about taxation, it's about how this Government health care plan will change America. That's right, I said change. If you like going to the MVD/DMV...if you can't wait to go wait in that awfully long line for the chance to be sneered at by some middle-aged lady with a smoker's cough and some very suspicious hair-loss...you really are probably looking forward to having the Government take your health care over.

Seriously though, President Obama keeps touting that if you like your coverage as it is, then you'll be able to keep it. How long does he intend for this to be possible?

I don't have the access to any specifics, but let's do a gut check. I don't know anyone who's not successfully self-employed who doesn't use the health care coverage provided to them by their employers. This is a very good deal for most workers that qualify for this coverage. Companies of all shapes and sizes spend a large portion of their resources to negotiating, and then facilitating the Health plan that is both cost beneficial to their bottom lines, as well as appealing to as many current and prospective employees as possible.

Enter Government Health coverage. It will seem like a great deal. Many companies will latch on to the fact that they'll save $$ by just allowing their employees to switch to Obamacare. Everything might seem rosy - and then the health insurance companies, divested of their main source of funding, will fold. We'll have no options, the Government's health coverage will be the only coverage available. That's when it will start to suck. We'll get taxed more and more, which will be followed by the inevitable fact that in order to remain solvent, the Health care peeps will have to cut costs, which will lead to Health Care Rationing - like I've mentioned in a previous post.

People might start to pay for their own care in what's left of the Private Sector - but what happened in Canada might happen here too - they passed a law banning such activities. We'll have no choice but to stagnate and slide deeper into European Socialism.

If you read more and more about it, it gets worse. Here's a link to an article about how Kennedy's bill works, and how it favors the Political Elite. That's exactly what we need...right?
I must mention that the current Health Care system in the USA is not perfect, but does what I've written above sound in any way better to anyone? I hope not.

Enjoy the video. If you'd like, here's a website where you can lend your voice to the cause of freeing up our health care.

June 11, 2009

OBAMA and the "Honest Debate" Deception

One thing that I always wonder when I hear the President speak is how more people don't catch the fact that he's double speaking. What he says and what he does never lines up completely.

Take, for instance, the following glimpse at what he's planning with his single-payer Health care plan. Please watch this.

The President has said all along that he wants to give the people choice with healthcare plans, but this video shows what the agenda is, and how the words that Obama uses don't quite explain things too clearly.

With a single-payer plan funded by the Federal Government, not only would you have your healthcare managed by the same team that brings you the fabulously efficient Motor Vehicle Divisions across the country, but you would quickly see funding becoming a major source of pain to the taxpayers of this country. Furthermore, what happens when funding is becoming scarce for the Medicare on steroids? What will happen is what has happened in Canada and Britain, just to name a couple of examples, which is healthcare rationing. Healthcare rationing means that not only will there be a pure shortage of services, which will lead to waiting lists and lines for something so simple as a checkup, but also a bureaucratic analysis of what "efficient" concerning costs of care.

So, for example, if you're a financially secure 55 year old white male, and you need some radical surgery to replace your left leg because of a crazy shark attack at Pebble Beach - just hypothetically - you'd be able to get the surgery on a private plan, but when you try and apply for the surgery on the Gov. Health plan, your case would go to a "committee" where they discuss if your surgery is cost effective. Verdict: live without the left leg.

Realistically, people die on Canadian Healthcare waiting lists on a semi-regular basis waiting for things like Chemo-Therapy or Heart Surgery. Here's a little database of some specifics.

Bottom line: The people advocating Government Healthcare in that video, and all over the country, believe that the single-payer Government Health plan will be compassionate, and equitable, but it will more than likely be neither.