August 11, 2009

Will We Believe?

Take a look at this video from a Town Hall that President Obama held today:

Now this one from 2003:

Seriously, when will anyone call him out for this sort of garbage?

A friend and I were talking today, and he mentioned that back when Bush was in office, the media and the far-left would accuse him of lying almost by default. I wonder why there's a scarce few that are calling Obama out on what is clearly serial lying.

Let's not get sucked up into the rhetoric machine that is Obama.

August 7, 2009

Socialized Health Care..."Bring Out Your Dead!"

These past few days has been exciting to watch. There has been a true organic movement across the country of ordinary citizens confronting their representatives at town hall meetings.

One of the more awesome of these confrontation was actually at a town hall "Listening Session" for a group of retirees and their AARP representative.

Just a bit of background on AARP, or the American Association of Retired Persons. This group has held some serious lobbying power in Washington for some time now, and has always backed very left-leaning legislation coming out of Washington.

So, during this "Listening Session", something pretty interesting happened. Here's the video, it's a little long, but watch until at least to the 4:00 mark:

From what I was hearing all over the radio today, these "Volunteers" are being trained to spew their talking points out, and then shut down any counter points. That may be hearsay, but after seeing this video and others like it, I think I believe it.

So what do these retirees have to look forward to if Obamacare passes?

...(please mute the video at exactly 1:53)

Well, now that we've seen the future, we can get on with our lives.

Let freedom ring!

August 4, 2009

The White House - Defenders of Truth!

Last week, there was a video circulating the web that shows an interview that President Obama gave in 2007, as he was beginning his bid for the White House, as well as clips of him from 2003, and clips of other liberals touting a Single Payer Health Plan, which is government language for socialized medicine. These interviews show that what the President really wants is to eliminate the private insurance industry. Here's the video:

Now...this is pretty clear cut to me. It's no surprise to anyone who paid attention during the election, but it's nice to reminisce.

After the video above made its way around for a few days, the White House released this stunning rebuttal:

Are you serious? Taking someone out of context is one thing, but these interviews are clearly Obama speaking to an audience about his "plan".

Come on lady...those clips that you showed to refute other clips of Obama are from the last two months. What do you think he's going to be saying? What, is there some sort of limit on when things aren't valid anymore? Let's be reasonable, I could understand if he said he wanted to eliminate private insurance when he was in college, but a year and a half ago?

This happened a lot during the election. People, myself included, would point out to colleagues or friends that Obama's record was pretty left-wing and radical, and the response was always, "you have to take him on his word now, last week he said ."

Listen, I think it's time we all were intellectually honest - Obama is not telling the truth now about...well...anything really, but especially Health Care.

I'm disgusted by people like Linda Douglas. They know exactly what the President is trying to do, and they're lying to cover it up. It's despicable.

Bob, I hate to tell you this, but you are very stupid. :)

There is a dude named Bob somewhere in the US who in my opinion is very mistaken in his philosophies regarding taxes and who should pay them. I ran into Bob, actually his comments, after reading a blog detailing how President Obama will break his pledge to not raise taxes on the middle class (the corruptionless-class, unlike those filthy rich who wipe their corpulent behinds with thousand dollar bills while starving children shovel coal into their basement furnaces).

So, Bobby Marx makes the following quote to demonstrate his disagreement with, catch this, not the premise that Obama is going to raise taxes when he said he wouldn't (liar), but his disagreement is with the notion that the "rich" shouldn't be burdened with high rates of taxation.

The following is Bob's eloquent comment:

Does anyone out there really believe that $250,000/year is middle class? It’s less than 4% of the population!

Make the richies pay more taxes! They live in a country that enabled them to earn that much- time to pay for the privilege.


Wow!! Let me say that one more time-WOW!!! Are you kidding me!?

But wait, Bob's friend Mike chimes in with a supporting comment:

i agree with BOB. are the top 5% paying enough back to the system they are so good at profiting from?


What!? Paying back the system that they are profiting from! Are you kidding me!!!? Excuse me for not drinking the Kool Aid and thinking that the government provides me with the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. According to the Declaration of Independence, you know that document we sent to the Brits and all other nations throwing off the tyrannical rule of a King, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Now let me be clear (but not clearly lying like you know who), the government does not bestow those rights upon all men. Those are unalienable rights that we are endowed with by our Creator. Neither Bob nor Mike provided any other person with the right to pursue their own way in life, including making a living (whether that living is greater than or less than that of those two tools). To state that the government should confiscate the earnings of one group over another based on the so-called right bestowed on that person to make that living by those around them is fallacious and fueled by ignorance at best, and the greenest of covetousness at worst. If Mike and Bob really believe that they system (of which they are a part) can control who "wins" the "rich lottery", then why don't they lobby for their own success?

Why not? Because they know deep down that each individually controls his destiny, and that it is not the system that discrimately determines the winners and losers, but the choices of individuals. The fallacious concept of systematic control is a malicious justification to set up a "system" that confiscates the "unjust" winnings of another in order to satisfy the envy and covetousness of the so called "have-nots", who more often than not have sufficient but will never have enough (especially if the Jones family just bought a boat).

Additionally, profit comes from providing a service to others. If Bob stopped worrying about taking from those he feels unjustly received their "allowance" and developed a service that was innovative enough to create its own niche in the market, he might end up a "richie." If he provided a service that many needed/wanted and were willing to pay him for, he just might find himself "rich." Then how would he feel? Would he still be drinking the Kool Aid, or would he have spewn it out of his mouth as he came to the realization that he developed that service, and that he earned all that he has? My guess is that the later would be least I hope it would be.

I have an idea. Let's find Mike and Bob and send them out to "rich" areas of town, and have them go door to door explaining to the families living in those areas why they deserve to pay higher taxes. As they do so, M&B, lets just call them BM, can start collecting from those families. Would they do it? Would BM get out and try this little experiment? No, because they wouldn't have the guts to do something like that...I mean they wouldn't have the brains...I mean, they wouldn't dare do anything like a home invasion robbery. And why not? Because they would either get beat down or thrown in jail...preferably both, and because the IRS already does the job of invading homes and confiscating money coersively for them.

Thank you for indulging me and taking the time to read my thoughts regarding Bob and Mike, the Stalin brothers. I hope you more easily see the illogical nature of the "tax the rich" stance.

August 3, 2009

A Little Humor

There's this senator, her name is Maxine. Maxine is a liberal...and an idiot. I don't think that the two are corollary, but when you see Maxine in action, you'd think so.

I found this video tonight. It is brilliant!

Of course, this is an old clip, but it's poignant still today.

August 2, 2009

What We Can Do...

I often wonder what I can do to affect a change to the direction I feel this country is headed in. I found a petition online that is being advertized by several of the leading talk radio hosts in America. The website is called "Free Our Health Care Now"

Here's a video to introduce the petition, and to give a little background as to why it's important.

Please sign it when you have a chance - I think that this might be a step in the right direction.