September 27, 2009
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
Does this give you a headache? It will...
September 19, 2009
The Tax Man Cometh...
Taxes are truly an encroachment on our liberty. This is why so many decent Americans are taking the time out of their busy schedules to peaceably organize and protest - to show the Government that Americans know Freedom, and they're not going to relinquish any more of it without a fight.
It really bothers me there are so many on the left, especially in leadership positions, like Nancy Pelosi...and even the big O himself, that are discounting the worries and concerns of these citizens. They have called them racists, and have proclaimed on National television that "special interests" are behind the "Astroturfing" (Astroturfing is a way for the left to say that, rather than this movement being a grassroots movement, it's manufactured by the Right-Wing Special Interests). The funniest thing is that they say that, and they they get the SCIU and ACORN to recruit protesters (thugs) to go to town hall meetings and protests and intimidate, and in some cases even physically violate, the good, decent, and hard-working Americans that are fed up with the rampant and out-of-control liberal agenda that Obama and the Democratic leadership have embarked on.
Here a few videos that show footage from different protests. I think my favorite is the first one here - it's just a surveillance camera that took image captures as the crowds that ran through the streets of Washington D.C. last week steadily grew larger - it's quite amazing to me. If you're reading this and agree with me, you're not alone. If you disagree, I wonder why you're not alone either.
And here's one that shows how things got started back in February of 2009, not even a month into Obama's presidency.
Just a side note, after the inauguration Ceremony for President Obama, there was hoards of trash left on the ground everywhere. This behavior from the environment-loving liberals?
After the Washington Tea Party on the 11th, things were pretty clean. See for yourself...
This is from the Inauguration in January of this year.
This is from the Tea Party last week. I see a small difference.
I just think it's interesting that people who want the Government to leave Americans alone to be responsible for themselves are, in large measure, responsible for themselves!
September 12, 2009
Breakdown on Entitlement Spending
"It Was Electric"
September 11, 2009
Yet Another Video...
Last night during Obama's speech, Congressman Joe Wilson belted out a "You Lie!!!" Now, he apologized to the White House, but I think it was hilarious!
The most awesome part of it? Pelosi. She's actually evil, and now we have the proof.
Thank you Joe Wilson - we'll mourn your loss after Pelosi has you whacked!
September 10, 2009
Voices From the Past...
September 8, 2009
This is Where They Want Us to Go!
It's an article from the Daily Mail, and it documents an incident that happened some time ago where a baby was born at 21 Weeks and 5 days into the pregnancy. This happened in Norfolk, England. What allegedly took place after the baby was born is heartbreaking.
A word of warning; the article contains pictures of a small premature child, and I would caution anyone to use their discretion in viewing them.
Sarah Capewell, the mother of the premature baby from the article, alleges that when the baby was born, the doctors and medics refused to treat him because it was against the State's guidelines to treat a baby born before 22 weeks. So, Miss Capewell's baby was just two days shy of being allowed to live...two days. I've included some quotes below.
"Miss Capewell, 23, said doctors refused to even see her son Jayden, who lived for almost two hours without any medical support.
She said he was breathing unaided, had a strong heartbeat and was even moving his arms and legs, but medics refused to admit him to a special care baby unit."
The article goes on...
"She said: 'When he was born, he put out his arms and legs and pushed himself over. A midwife said he was breathing and had a strong heartbeat, and described him as a "little fighter".
I kept asking for the doctors but the midwife said, "They won't come and help, sweetie. Make the best of the time you have with him".'
She cuddled her child and took precious photos of him, but he died in her arms less than two hours after his birth."
I encourage you to read the full article, if for nothing else, to help hit home what President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi have in mind for us in America.
When the President backed down from the "Public Option" last week, I thought we might be onto something, but then I read this earlier, and I realize that these thugs will stop at nothing to force their ideology on to all of us.
From Jake Tapper's blog at ABC news (not a typically conservative gentleman):
"Both leaders told the president that despite the difficult rough and tumble of the legislative process in the last few weeks, they are optimistic that both the House and Senate can pass health care reform legislation.
What will be in the bill remains an open question, though after the meeting, Reid told reporters that 'we're going to do our very best to have a public option or something like a public option before we finish this work.'”
I've signed the petition at freeourhealthcarenow, and I've urged all of you to do so as well. Also, calling your representatives in Congress might help, unless you have someone like Harry Mitchel of AZ - who is totally useless.
Beyond that, get the word out - talk to people you meet, or to people you already know. A few weeks ago, I started a conversation with a Russian immigrant whom I worked with, and her and a coworker and I discussed both the U.S.S.R. and the current state of affairs in this nation. The lady from Russia was very serious when she said that she "smells Communism coming" and that she "doesn't ever want to go back to a State-run Insurance". If we open our mouths and shed as much light on what is happening as possible, I think we'll win the hearts of those good and decent people in this, our beloved country.
There are good people out there that just don't pay as much attention as they should, but given the truth, they'll see the light, and want to fight what's going down on Capital Hill.
I certainly hope that we can have some effect in setting this country back on the right track, or as close to it as possible.
Carry on.