Now, I don't really condemn the man for trying to strengthen relationships abroad, but I have to wonder if this is the right way to go about it. Will he earn the respect of other nations when he shows them in the first instant that he recognizes their superiority? Will other nations look to us as an authority?
I don't think he's earning the Emperor's respect there, but rather his approval. Maybe that's all the President is seeking. Maybe he's not gotten over the High School mentality of trying to be popular and fit in with the cool crowd. And maybe he thinks Japan is extra cool because they have Sony and Toyota.
At any rate, I'd love to hear what he says about his meeting in Japan. I recall another meeting with foreign royalty. When President Obama arrived at is first G-20 summit, he met with the leaders of the world one by one for a photo op. When he came to King Abdullah of Saudi, he gave us this precious Gem:

What was the President's description of this? Well, an aide of his told everyone he was stooping down to hear Abdullah better because he's so tall.
Maybe that's what he'll say about Japan...and maybe we should all pitch in for a Presidential Hearing Aide. The card can say:
Merry Christmas Mr. President, stop making an arse of yourself, and every one of us, abroad.
Love, U.S.A.
UPDATE: Here's an interesting article from HOT AIR that sites a journalist from the NYT back in 1994 about President Bill Clinton "almost" bowing to the same Japanese Emperor. Interesting.