January 28, 2010

I have a dream...

It is not news that the US National debt is burgeoning out of control and there is no end in site. As of Sunday January 25, 2010 the national debt is 14.3 Trillion dollars. According to the 2007 US census there are 111,162,259 million American households. Dividing 14.3 by 111 thousand give us the grand total owed by each and every US household, $110,790 US dollars from the national debt alone. More info here

Think about this: the US national median household income is $48,200. That means on average each household would need to have each income earner work for over two years just to pay off their current portion of the US national debt!

Don’t worry, it gets worse - Since 2007 our debt has increased by 3.88B a day. At the end of 2005 our national debt was barely over 8 Trillion. In less than 5 years we have almost doubled our debt burden! Yet no one seems to worry. If anything the politicians continue to pander legislation that will requires the government to spend more money on new pet projects without even attempting to propose how they would be paid for. (Taxes or cuts)

The Senate race in Massachusetts last week sent a message to politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike. Suddenly those seeking reelection in the next round are all talking about being fiscally responsible. Great right? No, because talk is not enough and that is all they are doing, talking. We as the American people must hold our elected officials to their campaign buzz words. If they don’t do as they promise and have promised in the past it is time for a new group of elected officials. Here is a good article on the shift in the campaign rhetoric but not in actions.

I have a dream that politicians will worry about the future of America more than being reelected. I have a dream that the people and the politicians alike will worry more about how to solve our problems rather than what party they belong to. I have a dream that we will elect people that actually do what they promise rather than what gets them more money. I have a dream that we will be willing to make hard decisions today that will provide the foundation for a great future.

Every day there are more people who begin to live this dream. They do so one letter and phone call to elected officials at a time. They do so by talking to their friends and neighbors and making them aware of the problem. They do so by blogging on the Sons of Liberty. They do so by not accepting the fiscal recklessness that is rampant is unchangeable.

When we unite we will force a change to fiscal responsibility.

January 24, 2010

Precious Moments from Days Gone By...

This past week marked the one year anniversary of George W. Bush leaving office. I remember that day well. The way he and his wife remained dignified and polite, even though there were harsh insults being thrown at them from the first several rows of the inauguration attendees (stay classy people). I must admit, I miss President Bush. I admit, I wasn't a fan of his 2nd term fiscal policies, nor of his first term "No Child Left Behind" act, but overall, I did appreciate his unwavering fight for our safety and freedom.

Today, I had a lull in my busy schedule and ventured onto You tube to see what funny videos there were of George W. Bush. There were some funny ones, but this one I found was the funniest of all. This video isn't even of President Bush, it's of Kanye West. It was some sort of telethon for New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Take a gander - watch especially Mike Meyers' face at the end.

Just beautiful, isn't it?

Now, I'm not trying to bring up any race arguments, or bring to light any commentary on our society now vs. 2005. What I am trying to say though, is that Kanye West is an utter moron - yet there are sure enough tens of thousands of people, if not more, who actually listen to what he has to say about politics. Granted, most of those people can't vote...because they're either 15, or in jail, or both...so I guess K. West isn't the worst purveyor of retarded liberal tripe, he's just the worst at it.

For a look at another moron - here's Brian Williams on the Today show talking about his interview with President George W. Bush.

I miss W.