Remember when you were young, and your parents gave you your first puzzle game? You know, that wooden box with different shapes cut out of the top, and similarly shaped wooden pieces that could only fit into a corresponding hole. Remember how you kept trying to put the triangle or square piece into the circle hole, over-and-over again. You would put it on it

Most adults can claim that they learned that principle when they were young, however, there remain those who don't understand that the block fitting game is not just a lesson impacting how we treat circle, square, or triangle pieces of wood, but that it is a metaphor for how we should approach our interactions with one another. I

These elitists truly believe that it is their right to construct legislation that protects us from ourselves...because the truth is that we are a very stupid populace, that had sufficient mental capabilities to mark next to a name or two on a ballot, yet cannot make any additional decisions for the remainder of our lives. You see, this small group of men and women are so much smarter than us that they can, with one awkward lefty swoop of the

In essence, these elitists see us as 300 million Homer Simpsons, whose only purpose in life is to drink Duff Beer (OH YEAH!) and eat donuts. And somehow, these elitists, are immune to the cause of our homeritis, and have some type of royal line of blood, which enables them to be omniscient.
Well, Mr. and Ms. Elite...since you know all, you must know what I think about you? No, not that you are the messiah...but that you think you are king and queen...able to dictate what should occur in your kingdom while you sit on your throne. Well, the only king I'm ok with at this point, is the o

So why shouldn't Obama be impeded in his pursuit of a "more fair and just" healthcare safety net? Doesn't this safety net fit along-side the social security and medicare safety nets? The answer to the later question will help answer the first. The problem with the Obama healthcare reform proposal is that it aims to establish the federal government as the responsible party in protecting the dumb masses from themselves...just like we cannot be expected to save for of our retirement nor for our medical bills once we are older adults...we really can't be expected to make healthcare decisions for ourselves currently. Unfortunately, when we concede our right to provide for ourselves, including for our future, to the federal government, we also concede a great deal of our individual freedoms, and as postulated previously we will be treated as if we are homogeneous blocks and forced to both buy into a system that the government regulates (a circle hole), which will never meet our individual needs.
It is i

We must tell the elitists that we don't want them to try to smash us through th

In regards to healthcare reform, it is true that we do need reform-just not reform that harms more Americans than it helps. We need to allow competition across state lines (allowing individuals to purchase insurance from states that don't have as many cost-increasing unnecessary regulations), by allowing individuals and families to have the same tax breaks as companies when it comes to purchasing healthcare/insurance (currently a company can purchase health insurance on your behalf using pre-tax dollars-money that is figured into your total compensation-while you must use post-tax dollars if you buy health insurance on your own), and reforming malpractice law so that practitioners don't have to practice as much defensive medicine and start dedicating themselves to aggressive and efficient medicine (about 1 out of every 4 dollars goes towards defensive med). Of course there will still be individuals and