This guy sort of goes a little overboard, showing his need for some serious anger management therapy...but I like it.
January 3, 2011
June 3, 2010
This is The Fight
Here's a quick video showcasing the clear and powerful message of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. It was taken from the final moments of a Townhall in Robbinsville. Where's Robbinsville you ask? I don't know. But this video is so good. Take a gander:
Bring it!
Bring it!
May 14, 2010
The Cartel
Cory and I attended the same junior high and high schools, and while we did not have many of the same teachers, we shared very similar experiences. Unfortunately the majority of these "formative" educational experiences left me feeling as if I was being babysat and not taught.
Why were we babysat? Why were expectations so low? Well, the truth of the matter is that in order to pass the students from one grade to the next, the teachers and school systems dumbed down the curriculum and lowered expectations. You see this is a win-win situation when it comes to working with adolescents and entrenched teachers. Let's look at the mindset of each of the actors in this "play." The kids are like cows searching the pasture fence for any opening, any area of escape, and any way to get by with the least amount of work. The teachers including administrators are afraid of risk and have to justify their existence through the "success" of their students. You put these two mentalities together and it is a perfect storm for a teaching system that makes the failing tail of the normal curve passing, while giving the majority of the students who are the middle and overachieving tail of the curve little incentive to do anything other than passively witness the crazy daily events of school-like some skinhead kid getting his head stomped by three "large" LVL girls, etc.
Cory's videos point out that the teachers, and more their unions call for increased funding to raise the level of teaching and positively change student outcomes. What this infers is that the teachers are either purposefully holding back their best instruction for more money, or that magically an additional 20 or 50 dollar bill in their back pocket will change them into master-teachers. Either way these justifications really support the ouster of these self-serving molders-of-young-minds. (Think of that, these are the people that are influencing our kids on school days!) Additionally, if all it takes is a larger salary, why not pull toothless-Joe, or Colt-45 Smith off of the streets, put the money in their pockets and "bling" magically they are master-teachers raising the level of education leading to better educated young people.
Of course we aren't going to put toothless-Joe or Mr. Malt Liquor into the classroom, but why do we allow those who teach at the level that Joe and Malt would teach at to remain? The answer is because the teacher's union is a cartel that works for the teachers best interests irrespective of the needs of the students. Watch the trailer to the new documentary so appropriately named "The Cartel."
While we have to be pragmatic-we can't fire all teachers, nor would we need to, but we should fire between 10-25% of all teachers (those that we can realistically expect to be failing) (pragmatism tells us that it's not possible for 100% of teachers to be successful). Fire the bad, give raises to those who are exceptional, and develop those who are good. And as for the teachers unions...shame on you! You rob the taxpayer while delivering a poor product! What should they get for their deceit? Let Willy Wonka tell-ya!
(An aside, the teachers union and teachers in general supported the public option of healthcare reform, and why not, they are the ultimate public option-a failing and inept public option. The only option for too many students).
The decision is ours, the course is before us, and the votes that will make a difference are upcoming. We must support and elect true leaders who will support school reform (not leaders who send their daughters to private schools while supporting the removal of the voucher program for kids in the same DC area-but what do you expect from Mr. O). Leaders like NJ gov. Chris Chistie who is kicking butt and taking names in battling the teachers union for the NJ kids and families. (Check out this link for Teacers Unions Exposed)
In the words of world famous artists, we need to fight for our right, to "education."
Why were we babysat? Why were expectations so low? Well, the truth of the matter is that in order to pass the students from one grade to the next, the teachers and school systems dumbed down the curriculum and lowered expectations. You see this is a win-win situation when it comes to working with adolescents and entrenched teachers. Let's look at the mindset of each of the actors in this "play." The kids are like cows searching the pasture fence for any opening, any area of escape, and any way to get by with the least amount of work. The teachers including administrators are afraid of risk and have to justify their existence through the "success" of their students. You put these two mentalities together and it is a perfect storm for a teaching system that makes the failing tail of the normal curve passing, while giving the majority of the students who are the middle and overachieving tail of the curve little incentive to do anything other than passively witness the crazy daily events of school-like some skinhead kid getting his head stomped by three "large" LVL girls, etc.
Cory's videos point out that the teachers, and more their unions call for increased funding to raise the level of teaching and positively change student outcomes. What this infers is that the teachers are either purposefully holding back their best instruction for more money, or that magically an additional 20 or 50 dollar bill in their back pocket will change them into master-teachers. Either way these justifications really support the ouster of these self-serving molders-of-young-minds. (Think of that, these are the people that are influencing our kids on school days!) Additionally, if all it takes is a larger salary, why not pull toothless-Joe, or Colt-45 Smith off of the streets, put the money in their pockets and "bling" magically they are master-teachers raising the level of education leading to better educated young people.
Of course we aren't going to put toothless-Joe or Mr. Malt Liquor into the classroom, but why do we allow those who teach at the level that Joe and Malt would teach at to remain? The answer is because the teacher's union is a cartel that works for the teachers best interests irrespective of the needs of the students. Watch the trailer to the new documentary so appropriately named "The Cartel."
While we have to be pragmatic-we can't fire all teachers, nor would we need to, but we should fire between 10-25% of all teachers (those that we can realistically expect to be failing) (pragmatism tells us that it's not possible for 100% of teachers to be successful). Fire the bad, give raises to those who are exceptional, and develop those who are good. And as for the teachers unions...shame on you! You rob the taxpayer while delivering a poor product! What should they get for their deceit? Let Willy Wonka tell-ya!
(An aside, the teachers union and teachers in general supported the public option of healthcare reform, and why not, they are the ultimate public option-a failing and inept public option. The only option for too many students).
The decision is ours, the course is before us, and the votes that will make a difference are upcoming. We must support and elect true leaders who will support school reform (not leaders who send their daughters to private schools while supporting the removal of the voucher program for kids in the same DC area-but what do you expect from Mr. O). Leaders like NJ gov. Chris Chistie who is kicking butt and taking names in battling the teachers union for the NJ kids and families. (Check out this link for Teacers Unions Exposed)
In the words of world famous artists, we need to fight for our right, to "education."
The Lottery
It's been a while since I've posted anything here...been busy. Here's something I thought was interesting though, and I thought it was worth putting up.
Also, an old favorite of mine:
You have to appreciate what big government, heavy bureaucracy can do to us. God bless America. May we rid ourselves of this sort of crap very soon.
Also, an old favorite of mine:
You have to appreciate what big government, heavy bureaucracy can do to us. God bless America. May we rid ourselves of this sort of crap very soon.
February 23, 2010
Healthcare Reform for a Heterogeneous Society

Remember when you were young, and your parents gave you your first puzzle game? You know, that wooden box with different shapes cut out of the top, and similarly shaped wooden pieces that could only fit into a corresponding hole. Remember how you kept trying to put the triangle or square piece into the circle hole, over-and-over again. You would put it on it

Most adults can claim that they learned that principle when they were young, however, there remain those who don't understand that the block fitting game is not just a lesson impacting how we treat circle, square, or triangle pieces of wood, but that it is a metaphor for how we should approach our interactions with one another. I

These elitists truly believe that it is their right to construct legislation that protects us from ourselves...because the truth is that we are a very stupid populace, that had sufficient mental capabilities to mark next to a name or two on a ballot, yet cannot make any additional decisions for the remainder of our lives. You see, this small group of men and women are so much smarter than us that they can, with one awkward lefty swoop of the

In essence, these elitists see us as 300 million Homer Simpsons, whose only purpose in life is to drink Duff Beer (OH YEAH!) and eat donuts. And somehow, these elitists, are immune to the cause of our homeritis, and have some type of royal line of blood, which enables them to be omniscient.
Well, Mr. and Ms. Elite...since you know all, you must know what I think about you? No, not that you are the messiah...but that you think you are king and to dictate what should occur in your kingdom while you sit on your throne. Well, the only king I'm ok with at this point, is the o

So why shouldn't Obama be impeded in his pursuit of a "more fair and just" healthcare safety net? Doesn't this safety net fit along-side the social security and medicare safety nets? The answer to the later question will help answer the first. The problem with the Obama healthcare reform proposal is that it aims to establish the federal government as the responsible party in protecting the dumb masses from themselves...just like we cannot be expected to save for of our retirement nor for our medical bills once we are older adults...we really can't be expected to make healthcare decisions for ourselves currently. Unfortunately, when we concede our right to provide for ourselves, including for our future, to the federal government, we also concede a great deal of our individual freedoms, and as postulated previously we will be treated as if we are homogeneous blocks and forced to both buy into a system that the government regulates (a circle hole), which will never meet our individual needs.
It is i

We must tell the elitists that we don't want them to try to smash us through th

In regards to healthcare reform, it is true that we do need reform-just not reform that harms more Americans than it helps. We need to allow competition across state lines (allowing individuals to purchase insurance from states that don't have as many cost-increasing unnecessary regulations), by allowing individuals and families to have the same tax breaks as companies when it comes to purchasing healthcare/insurance (currently a company can purchase health insurance on your behalf using pre-tax dollars-money that is figured into your total compensation-while you must use post-tax dollars if you buy health insurance on your own), and reforming malpractice law so that practitioners don't have to practice as much defensive medicine and start dedicating themselves to aggressive and efficient medicine (about 1 out of every 4 dollars goes towards defensive med). Of course there will still be individuals and

February 1, 2010
Balance the budget the easy way
Last week I got back from a trip. Like always, I enjoy flying. It is a great way to travel. How can you beat it? You get to sit there, watch a few mindless movies and they bring you food and drink. You don't have to think about anything or do anything. Great right? Well it used to be better.
Back before 9/11 was the good days of flying. You could show up to the airport 30 minutes before your flight and still be able to board the plane. They were days that we didn't worry about the terrorists or if we had to much liquid in our carry on. There was not fear about someone using the cutlery to kill you or if you had bombs that wouldn't blow up even if you tried. They were days when you didn't have to take your coat off to go through the metal detector and didn't have to take your laptop out of your bag. They were great days without loads of mindless rules that even a small child could circumvent.
Then 9/11 happened. I remember it well. I was in shock as I am sure you were. As a result we all willingly gave up some of our freedom. Along with it went the joy of easily catching a flight. All in the interest of "safety."
Are we any safer today than we were then? I propose that we are not. In the news we find regular examples of bad guys getting through our airport security only to be caught by the last line of defense, no not the air marshals, they are caught by the other passengers. (The Christmas day bomber)
So what do we get from having the Department of Homeland Security? More security? No, fear mongering. What do the colors they use really tell us? They tell us that we should be even more paranoid about a threat that they repeatedly demonstrate they know absolutely nothing about and know even less about how to stop. Aside from the peddling of paranoia, what do we get? More bureaucracy. I don't like to use buzz words like bureaucracy but that is exactly what it is. Just a piece of history, we took the very same government agency in place who was charged with our airport security pre 9/11, and yet was not able to stop it, and make them the single largest US government agency. I am sure that whoever thought up the idea sits around late and night chuckling to themselves thinking "haha all we had to do was give them a new name and different color shirts and people are thanking us instead of blaming us. "
Mr President- Lets cut the least productive parts of government out. When agencies repeatedly demonstrate that they do not preform the job they are established to provide we should remove them. We need to get rid of the department of Homeland Security. Aside from creating lots of high paid and high pensioned government jobs we all have to pay for now and well into the future, do they benefit America? NO! Any value they add is undone by all of the unintended negative consequences they create.
Lets free these workers. Let them into the work force of America and ask them to provide value to others by providing a service that adds value.
I propose that we get rid of the entire Homeland Security group and allow the people with the record for making our flights safer take charge -the regular passengers. Lets start balancing the budget the easy way.
One more rant before I go. Why cant the TSA (a part of the Homeland Security umbrella) manage to get your bag on the plane after they dig through it? I understand it is their right to invade our privacy when we fly, but it is not their right to invade your privacy, delay your bag to dig through it then force you and the airline to fill the gap. But don't worry they will make up for it by sticking a little note in your bag that lets you know they dug through your underwear. Next time I should leave a well soiled set of underwear inside my suitcase as a surprise. :)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this or on other ways we can eliminate government waste by eliminating the agencies that add no value.
Back before 9/11 was the good days of flying. You could show up to the airport 30 minutes before your flight and still be able to board the plane. They were days that we didn't worry about the terrorists or if we had to much liquid in our carry on. There was not fear about someone using the cutlery to kill you or if you had bombs that wouldn't blow up even if you tried. They were days when you didn't have to take your coat off to go through the metal detector and didn't have to take your laptop out of your bag. They were great days without loads of mindless rules that even a small child could circumvent.
Then 9/11 happened. I remember it well. I was in shock as I am sure you were. As a result we all willingly gave up some of our freedom. Along with it went the joy of easily catching a flight. All in the interest of "safety."
Are we any safer today than we were then? I propose that we are not. In the news we find regular examples of bad guys getting through our airport security only to be caught by the last line of defense, no not the air marshals, they are caught by the other passengers. (The Christmas day bomber)
So what do we get from having the Department of Homeland Security? More security? No, fear mongering. What do the colors they use really tell us? They tell us that we should be even more paranoid about a threat that they repeatedly demonstrate they know absolutely nothing about and know even less about how to stop. Aside from the peddling of paranoia, what do we get? More bureaucracy. I don't like to use buzz words like bureaucracy but that is exactly what it is. Just a piece of history, we took the very same government agency in place who was charged with our airport security pre 9/11, and yet was not able to stop it, and make them the single largest US government agency. I am sure that whoever thought up the idea sits around late and night chuckling to themselves thinking "haha all we had to do was give them a new name and different color shirts and people are thanking us instead of blaming us. "
Mr President- Lets cut the least productive parts of government out. When agencies repeatedly demonstrate that they do not preform the job they are established to provide we should remove them. We need to get rid of the department of Homeland Security. Aside from creating lots of high paid and high pensioned government jobs we all have to pay for now and well into the future, do they benefit America? NO! Any value they add is undone by all of the unintended negative consequences they create.
Lets free these workers. Let them into the work force of America and ask them to provide value to others by providing a service that adds value.
I propose that we get rid of the entire Homeland Security group and allow the people with the record for making our flights safer take charge -the regular passengers. Lets start balancing the budget the easy way.
One more rant before I go. Why cant the TSA (a part of the Homeland Security umbrella) manage to get your bag on the plane after they dig through it? I understand it is their right to invade our privacy when we fly, but it is not their right to invade your privacy, delay your bag to dig through it then force you and the airline to fill the gap. But don't worry they will make up for it by sticking a little note in your bag that lets you know they dug through your underwear. Next time I should leave a well soiled set of underwear inside my suitcase as a surprise. :)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this or on other ways we can eliminate government waste by eliminating the agencies that add no value.
balanced budget,
Government waste,
Homeland Security,
Zero Value
January 28, 2010
I have a dream...
It is not news that the US National debt is burgeoning out of control and there is no end in site. As of Sunday January 25, 2010 the national debt is 14.3 Trillion dollars. According to the 2007 US census there are 111,162,259 million American households. Dividing 14.3 by 111 thousand give us the grand total owed by each and every US household, $110,790 US dollars from the national debt alone. More info here
Think about this: the US national median household income is $48,200. That means on average each household would need to have each income earner work for over two years just to pay off their current portion of the US national debt!
Don’t worry, it gets worse - Since 2007 our debt has increased by 3.88B a day. At the end of 2005 our national debt was barely over 8 Trillion. In less than 5 years we have almost doubled our debt burden! Yet no one seems to worry. If anything the politicians continue to pander legislation that will requires the government to spend more money on new pet projects without even attempting to propose how they would be paid for. (Taxes or cuts)
The Senate race in Massachusetts last week sent a message to politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike. Suddenly those seeking reelection in the next round are all talking about being fiscally responsible. Great right? No, because talk is not enough and that is all they are doing, talking. We as the American people must hold our elected officials to their campaign buzz words. If they don’t do as they promise and have promised in the past it is time for a new group of elected officials. Here is a good article on the shift in the campaign rhetoric but not in actions.
I have a dream that politicians will worry about the future of America more than being reelected. I have a dream that the people and the politicians alike will worry more about how to solve our problems rather than what party they belong to. I have a dream that we will elect people that actually do what they promise rather than what gets them more money. I have a dream that we will be willing to make hard decisions today that will provide the foundation for a great future.
Every day there are more people who begin to live this dream. They do so one letter and phone call to elected officials at a time. They do so by talking to their friends and neighbors and making them aware of the problem. They do so by blogging on the Sons of Liberty. They do so by not accepting the fiscal recklessness that is rampant is unchangeable.
When we unite we will force a change to fiscal responsibility.
Think about this: the US national median household income is $48,200. That means on average each household would need to have each income earner work for over two years just to pay off their current portion of the US national debt!
Don’t worry, it gets worse - Since 2007 our debt has increased by 3.88B a day. At the end of 2005 our national debt was barely over 8 Trillion. In less than 5 years we have almost doubled our debt burden! Yet no one seems to worry. If anything the politicians continue to pander legislation that will requires the government to spend more money on new pet projects without even attempting to propose how they would be paid for. (Taxes or cuts)
The Senate race in Massachusetts last week sent a message to politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike. Suddenly those seeking reelection in the next round are all talking about being fiscally responsible. Great right? No, because talk is not enough and that is all they are doing, talking. We as the American people must hold our elected officials to their campaign buzz words. If they don’t do as they promise and have promised in the past it is time for a new group of elected officials. Here is a good article on the shift in the campaign rhetoric but not in actions.
I have a dream that politicians will worry about the future of America more than being reelected. I have a dream that the people and the politicians alike will worry more about how to solve our problems rather than what party they belong to. I have a dream that we will elect people that actually do what they promise rather than what gets them more money. I have a dream that we will be willing to make hard decisions today that will provide the foundation for a great future.
Every day there are more people who begin to live this dream. They do so one letter and phone call to elected officials at a time. They do so by talking to their friends and neighbors and making them aware of the problem. They do so by blogging on the Sons of Liberty. They do so by not accepting the fiscal recklessness that is rampant is unchangeable.
When we unite we will force a change to fiscal responsibility.
January 24, 2010
Precious Moments from Days Gone By...
This past week marked the one year anniversary of George W. Bush leaving office. I remember that day well. The way he and his wife remained dignified and polite, even though there were harsh insults being thrown at them from the first several rows of the inauguration attendees (stay classy people). I must admit, I miss President Bush. I admit, I wasn't a fan of his 2nd term fiscal policies, nor of his first term "No Child Left Behind" act, but overall, I did appreciate his unwavering fight for our safety and freedom.
Today, I had a lull in my busy schedule and ventured onto You tube to see what funny videos there were of George W. Bush. There were some funny ones, but this one I found was the funniest of all. This video isn't even of President Bush, it's of Kanye West. It was some sort of telethon for New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Take a gander - watch especially Mike Meyers' face at the end.
Just beautiful, isn't it?
Now, I'm not trying to bring up any race arguments, or bring to light any commentary on our society now vs. 2005. What I am trying to say though, is that Kanye West is an utter moron - yet there are sure enough tens of thousands of people, if not more, who actually listen to what he has to say about politics. Granted, most of those people can't vote...because they're either 15, or in jail, or I guess K. West isn't the worst purveyor of retarded liberal tripe, he's just the worst at it.
For a look at another moron - here's Brian Williams on the Today show talking about his interview with President George W. Bush.
I miss W.
December 24, 2009
Represent or Replace
The US government has three groups of elected officials that are representatives of the people who elect them. By definition a representative is: "somebody who speaks, acts, or votes on behalf of others". When we vote for individuals we expect them to
embody the hopes and desires of those that elect them. Abraham Lincoln said this best in the Gettysburg address "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". This is the premise of America. It is what has unified America and what has held it together through good times and bad times. It is the mortar that allows America to be great.
Do you feel like the government represents you? If you don't, it is no surprise. Most Americans feel that they are poorly represented by those in elected office. This was not always the case but the last time so many Americans felt this way was at the initiation of the Civil war. It is uncertain at what point in recent history that the majority of Americans began to feel this way but it is certain that as time goes by there are more and more that believe a change is needed.
Many felt that they were electing change when they voted for President Obama. Was it the change they expected? Look at the polls less than one year into his elected term and you will find a startling answer. It is not the change they were looking for. When he took office he had around 80 percent approval and in less than one year is about 40 approval. In fact more and more Americans that voted for the change are wishing that they had voted differently. The two main parties no longer represent their stated values nor their constituencies. This is indisputable in the view of the American people in the wake of the House and Senate passed health care bills. Americans are standing up in record numbers against the new Health Care policies but those elected march forward as if propelled by some sub-verse motivation.
We must hold our elected officials responsible for their actions. If they will not represent the people that elect them we must stand up and replace them. If neither party is capable of representing the people we should form a new party. Not a party that is almost entire purpose is self preservation rather a party that truly represents america. Why does our budget get bigger and bigger every year? Why do we consistently spend more money that we bring in? This same behavior breaks individuals, marriages, small companies, large corporations and yes will even break governments.
Either our elected officials begin to represent the people or we must replace them with people that will. The American Revolution was fueled by a cry of Taxation without representation. Look at the situation today. True we do have elected officials but do they represent us? In effect are we being taxed with out representation? Thomas Jefferson wrote "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
I am not calling for a revolution with guns but rather a revolution of ideas and expectations. Write your Senators and Representatives. Let them know how you feel about the Health Care bill that was passed today. Tell them that if they push it forward and it is signed into law that you will hold them responsible and will do everything in your power so they will not be elected again. If it is the case that they still pass the Health Care bill or additional spending bills and continue to spit in the face of the american people that we will replace them.
embody the hopes and desires of those that elect them. Abraham Lincoln said this best in the Gettysburg address "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". This is the premise of America. It is what has unified America and what has held it together through good times and bad times. It is the mortar that allows America to be great.
Do you feel like the government represents you? If you don't, it is no surprise. Most Americans feel that they are poorly represented by those in elected office. This was not always the case but the last time so many Americans felt this way was at the initiation of the Civil war. It is uncertain at what point in recent history that the majority of Americans began to feel this way but it is certain that as time goes by there are more and more that believe a change is needed.
Many felt that they were electing change when they voted for President Obama. Was it the change they expected? Look at the polls less than one year into his elected term and you will find a startling answer. It is not the change they were looking for. When he took office he had around 80 percent approval and in less than one year is about 40 approval. In fact more and more Americans that voted for the change are wishing that they had voted differently. The two main parties no longer represent their stated values nor their constituencies. This is indisputable in the view of the American people in the wake of the House and Senate passed health care bills. Americans are standing up in record numbers against the new Health Care policies but those elected march forward as if propelled by some sub-verse motivation.
We must hold our elected officials responsible for their actions. If they will not represent the people that elect them we must stand up and replace them. If neither party is capable of representing the people we should form a new party. Not a party that is almost entire purpose is self preservation rather a party that truly represents america. Why does our budget get bigger and bigger every year? Why do we consistently spend more money that we bring in? This same behavior breaks individuals, marriages, small companies, large corporations and yes will even break governments.
Either our elected officials begin to represent the people or we must replace them with people that will. The American Revolution was fueled by a cry of Taxation without representation. Look at the situation today. True we do have elected officials but do they represent us? In effect are we being taxed with out representation? Thomas Jefferson wrote "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
I am not calling for a revolution with guns but rather a revolution of ideas and expectations. Write your Senators and Representatives. Let them know how you feel about the Health Care bill that was passed today. Tell them that if they push it forward and it is signed into law that you will hold them responsible and will do everything in your power so they will not be elected again. If it is the case that they still pass the Health Care bill or additional spending bills and continue to spit in the face of the american people that we will replace them.
December 14, 2009
Read my lips
Friday, December 11, 2009 one of the largest banks in America, Citigroup, announced that it would pay back the remaining 20 Billion dollars it borrowed from the TARP fund. The reason: Too many government restrictions. It is uncertain if they plan to pay any interest on the money that they borrowed. Interest at 10%, which is very low for the riskiness of the investment, would be about 4B for the 18 month loan term.
On top of the 20B that Citigroup plans to repay, the US government now owns a 34% stake in the banking giant. They plan to sell their stake over the next 6-12 months. That brings the total borrowed by Citigroup to about 45B and the US government estimates a net gain of 6.7B.
Most other large banks that took TARP money have repaid the government as well. JP Morgan Chase & Wells Fargo are a few of the banks that have already paid back the government. Turns out that they didn’t like all of the extra government imposed rules either. Kudos to the banks for paying back the money that they never should have needed, but at least they paid it back.
Now that the banks, the main target group for TARP, has or is in the process of paying the money back a few questions are raised. If banks are viable enough now to pay back the money, are other companies that received money paying it back? Does the government count the money paid back as more money available to pay out or are they being fiscally responsible and holding on to the money that no one had to lend in the first place? And finally, if the banks and other critical parts of the economy are functioning again, is it time to stop handing out the money even though there are billions that still haven’t been handed out?
Ask your friends and family and you will find that America is pleading and hoping that the government will STOP distributing the TARP and Stimulus. They also want everyone who received money to have the moral courage to step up and pay it back with interest. It really comes down to the average American who will end up paying for the continued lack of fiscal responsibility. The choices we make today as a country will determine in large part, who and what kind of country we will become. The choice is clear.
READ my lips, Stop TARP and Stimulus. We must stop them or we will face huge tax increases or wild inflation. We can't afford to raise taxes. People are still losing houses and jobs at an alarming rate and handing out more TARP and Stimulus money will just increase the burden of paying the money back. Taxes are bad and inflation is probably worse. If you don’t believe me do a quick Google search on inflation in post WWII Germany. Both are bad. Bad for America, bad for our future. Let’s make hard decisions today so we don’t have to deal with either.
I love America. I love what it stands for. I want its future to be even better than our amazing past. I want a future I can believe in, not a promise of bigger or complete government. That is not America, it is not what we represent nor is it where our brightest future lays.
Write your elected officials today and ask them to stand up and stop the bleeding in American politics. Ask them to make the right decisions for America even if it means that they won’t get elected. Ask them be fiscally responsible and repeal the TARP and stimulus bills so no more money we don’t have gets handed out.
We can still save our future but we have to act now. With your help and the help of people all across America we can make America the place we continue to be proud to be a part of.
On top of the 20B that Citigroup plans to repay, the US government now owns a 34% stake in the banking giant. They plan to sell their stake over the next 6-12 months. That brings the total borrowed by Citigroup to about 45B and the US government estimates a net gain of 6.7B.
Most other large banks that took TARP money have repaid the government as well. JP Morgan Chase & Wells Fargo are a few of the banks that have already paid back the government. Turns out that they didn’t like all of the extra government imposed rules either. Kudos to the banks for paying back the money that they never should have needed, but at least they paid it back.
Now that the banks, the main target group for TARP, has or is in the process of paying the money back a few questions are raised. If banks are viable enough now to pay back the money, are other companies that received money paying it back? Does the government count the money paid back as more money available to pay out or are they being fiscally responsible and holding on to the money that no one had to lend in the first place? And finally, if the banks and other critical parts of the economy are functioning again, is it time to stop handing out the money even though there are billions that still haven’t been handed out?
Ask your friends and family and you will find that America is pleading and hoping that the government will STOP distributing the TARP and Stimulus. They also want everyone who received money to have the moral courage to step up and pay it back with interest. It really comes down to the average American who will end up paying for the continued lack of fiscal responsibility. The choices we make today as a country will determine in large part, who and what kind of country we will become. The choice is clear.
READ my lips, Stop TARP and Stimulus. We must stop them or we will face huge tax increases or wild inflation. We can't afford to raise taxes. People are still losing houses and jobs at an alarming rate and handing out more TARP and Stimulus money will just increase the burden of paying the money back. Taxes are bad and inflation is probably worse. If you don’t believe me do a quick Google search on inflation in post WWII Germany. Both are bad. Bad for America, bad for our future. Let’s make hard decisions today so we don’t have to deal with either.
I love America. I love what it stands for. I want its future to be even better than our amazing past. I want a future I can believe in, not a promise of bigger or complete government. That is not America, it is not what we represent nor is it where our brightest future lays.
Write your elected officials today and ask them to stand up and stop the bleeding in American politics. Ask them to make the right decisions for America even if it means that they won’t get elected. Ask them be fiscally responsible and repeal the TARP and stimulus bills so no more money we don’t have gets handed out.
We can still save our future but we have to act now. With your help and the help of people all across America we can make America the place we continue to be proud to be a part of.
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