The US government has three groups of elected officials that are representatives of the people who elect them. By definition a representative is: "somebody who speaks, acts, or votes on behalf of others". When we vote for individuals we expect them to
embody the hopes and desires of those that elect them. Abraham Lincoln said this best in the Gettysburg address "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". This is the premise of America. It is what has unified America and what has held it together through good times and bad times. It is the mortar that allows America to be great.
Do you feel like the government represents you? If you don't, it is no surprise. Most Americans feel that they are poorly represented by those in elected office. This was not always the case but the last time so many Americans felt this way was at the initiation of the Civil war. It is uncertain at what point in recent history that the majority of Americans began to feel this way but it is certain that as time goes by there are more and more that believe a change is needed.
Many felt that they were electing change when they voted for President Obama. Was it the change they expected? Look at the polls less than one year into his elected term and you will find a startling answer. It is not the change they were looking for. When he took office he had around 80 percent approval and in less than one year is about 40 approval. In fact more and more Americans that voted for the change are wishing that they had voted differently. The two main parties no longer represent their stated values nor their constituencies. This is indisputable in the view of the American people in the wake of the House and Senate passed health care bills. Americans are standing up in record numbers against the new Health Care policies but those elected march forward as if propelled by some sub-verse motivation.
We must hold our elected officials responsible for their actions. If they will not represent the people that elect them we must stand up and replace them. If neither party is capable of representing the people we should form a new party. Not a party that is almost entire purpose is self preservation rather a party that truly represents america. Why does our budget get bigger and bigger every year? Why do we consistently spend more money that we bring in? This same behavior breaks individuals, marriages, small companies, large corporations and yes will even break governments.
Either our elected officials begin to represent the people or we must replace them with people that will. The American Revolution was fueled by a cry of Taxation without representation. Look at the situation today. True we do have elected officials but do they represent us? In effect are we being taxed with out representation? Thomas Jefferson wrote "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
I am not calling for a revolution with guns but rather a revolution of ideas and expectations. Write your Senators and Representatives. Let them know how you feel about the Health Care bill that was passed today. Tell them that if they push it forward and it is signed into law that you will hold them responsible and will do everything in your power so they will not be elected again. If it is the case that they still pass the Health Care bill or additional spending bills and continue to spit in the face of the american people that we will replace them.
December 24, 2009
Represent or Replace
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