"Cap and Trade" refers to a system in which the Federal Government sets a limit on the amount of pollutants that a company can emit into the environment, but also issues certain credits or permits that can be saved up, sold to, and/or traded with other companies and industries so that the "Cap" can be more flexible. See illustration below for a better idea of how this works.
There are some things about this "plan" that intrigue me, but they are few and far between when I look at the system in theory, and especially when I add into the equation how our beautiful Government is going about implementing it into our society, and the inevitable effect it will have on our Economy.
When I take it all into account, a "Cap and Trade" program sounds an awful lot like a corrupt plan that will push us closer to full scale Economic Planning. "Economic Planning" pretty much describes Communism, some forms of Fascism, and Socialism - all are very similar, one way being that they all take away an individual's freedom to choose for himself what sort of life to lead and how to lead it.
Getting back to the testimonies, I wanted to point out something I found rather interesting. Al Gore was, as always, adamant about the "Fact" that Global Warming is Man-Made. When a handful of lawmakers point out that there are some very real issues that are still up for debate, and that there is no certain consensus in the scientific community, Mr. Gore compares challengers of his theories to those who think the Moon landing was staged on a studio lot in Arizona. I thought you might like to see a video of that encounter here.
Going forward with his arguments, Mr. Gore then calls for the end of division and partisanship in this crisis of Man-Made Global Warming. He pleads for us to let our differences of opinion not get in the way of saving our planet. He pleads for Unity!
Unity? What does that really mean? In this situation, it means nothing. What does Al mean when he pleads with us all to unite? He means that he wants those of us that don't want a Cap and Trade system forced on us, who don't believe that there's a crisis, to just forget all about that and accept the snake oil she's peddling.
Does Mr. Gore really want unity? No, or he'd be willing to change his position.
Is unity even possible when two or more people are at odds with their values or beliefs? It's a question I've heard asked before. I don't really think that unity, in these sort of situations, can really exist. Can Compromise occur? You bet! But unity means so much more than compromise. It's truly when our hearts and minds are on the same page with one another.
My wife and I are united, we don't really have opposing views on things. Al Gore and I...not so much. But we can be united! I mean, I really think it's possible to for Al Gore and I to see eye to eye...but only if he changes his mind and calls for an end to the Cap and Trade program!
PS - Here's Newt!
It's another example of the "feel good" jargon liberals throw around to cloak what they are really trying to do and deceive people; unity, change, hope, and rebuilding this country brick by brick. That's not the kind of change I want.