August 7, 2009

Socialized Health Care..."Bring Out Your Dead!"

These past few days has been exciting to watch. There has been a true organic movement across the country of ordinary citizens confronting their representatives at town hall meetings.

One of the more awesome of these confrontation was actually at a town hall "Listening Session" for a group of retirees and their AARP representative.

Just a bit of background on AARP, or the American Association of Retired Persons. This group has held some serious lobbying power in Washington for some time now, and has always backed very left-leaning legislation coming out of Washington.

So, during this "Listening Session", something pretty interesting happened. Here's the video, it's a little long, but watch until at least to the 4:00 mark:

From what I was hearing all over the radio today, these "Volunteers" are being trained to spew their talking points out, and then shut down any counter points. That may be hearsay, but after seeing this video and others like it, I think I believe it.

So what do these retirees have to look forward to if Obamacare passes?

...(please mute the video at exactly 1:53)

Well, now that we've seen the future, we can get on with our lives.

Let freedom ring!

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