December 24, 2009

Represent or Replace

The US government has three groups of elected officials that are representatives of the people who elect them. By definition a representative is: "somebody who speaks, acts, or votes on behalf of others". When we vote for individuals we expect them to
embody the hopes and desires of those that elect them. Abraham Lincoln said this best in the Gettysburg address "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". This is the premise of America. It is what has unified America and what has held it together through good times and bad times. It is the mortar that allows America to be great.

Do you feel like the government represents you? If you don't, it is no surprise. Most Americans feel that they are poorly represented by those in elected office. This was not always the case but the last time so many Americans felt this way was at the initiation of the Civil war. It is uncertain at what point in recent history that the majority of Americans began to feel this way but it is certain that as time goes by there are more and more that believe a change is needed.

Many felt that they were electing change when they voted for President Obama. Was it the change they expected? Look at the polls less than one year into his elected term and you will find a startling answer. It is not the change they were looking for. When he took office he had around 80 percent approval and in less than one year is about 40 approval. In fact more and more Americans that voted for the change are wishing that they had voted differently. The two main parties no longer represent their stated values nor their constituencies. This is indisputable in the view of the American people in the wake of the House and Senate passed health care bills. Americans are standing up in record numbers against the new Health Care policies but those elected march forward as if propelled by some sub-verse motivation.

We must hold our elected officials responsible for their actions. If they will not represent the people that elect them we must stand up and replace them. If neither party is capable of representing the people we should form a new party. Not a party that is almost entire purpose is self preservation rather a party that truly represents america. Why does our budget get bigger and bigger every year? Why do we consistently spend more money that we bring in? This same behavior breaks individuals, marriages, small companies, large corporations and yes will even break governments.

Either our elected officials begin to represent the people or we must replace them with people that will. The American Revolution was fueled by a cry of Taxation without representation. Look at the situation today. True we do have elected officials but do they represent us? In effect are we being taxed with out representation? Thomas Jefferson wrote "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

I am not calling for a revolution with guns but rather a revolution of ideas and expectations. Write your Senators and Representatives. Let them know how you feel about the Health Care bill that was passed today. Tell them that if they push it forward and it is signed into law that you will hold them responsible and will do everything in your power so they will not be elected again. If it is the case that they still pass the Health Care bill or additional spending bills and continue to spit in the face of the american people that we will replace them.

December 14, 2009

Read my lips

Friday, December 11, 2009 one of the largest banks in America, Citigroup, announced that it would pay back the remaining 20 Billion dollars it borrowed from the TARP fund. The reason: Too many government restrictions. It is uncertain if they plan to pay any interest on the money that they borrowed. Interest at 10%, which is very low for the riskiness of the investment, would be about 4B for the 18 month loan term.

On top of the 20B that Citigroup plans to repay, the US government now owns a 34% stake in the banking giant. They plan to sell their stake over the next 6-12 months. That brings the total borrowed by Citigroup to about 45B and the US government estimates a net gain of 6.7B.

Most other large banks that took TARP money have repaid the government as well. JP Morgan Chase & Wells Fargo are a few of the banks that have already paid back the government. Turns out that they didn’t like all of the extra government imposed rules either. Kudos to the banks for paying back the money that they never should have needed, but at least they paid it back.

Now that the banks, the main target group for TARP, has or is in the process of paying the money back a few questions are raised. If banks are viable enough now to pay back the money, are other companies that received money paying it back? Does the government count the money paid back as more money available to pay out or are they being fiscally responsible and holding on to the money that no one had to lend in the first place? And finally, if the banks and other critical parts of the economy are functioning again, is it time to stop handing out the money even though there are billions that still haven’t been handed out?

Ask your friends and family and you will find that America is pleading and hoping that the government will STOP distributing the TARP and Stimulus. They also want everyone who received money to have the moral courage to step up and pay it back with interest. It really comes down to the average American who will end up paying for the continued lack of fiscal responsibility. The choices we make today as a country will determine in large part, who and what kind of country we will become. The choice is clear.

READ my lips, Stop TARP and Stimulus. We must stop them or we will face huge tax increases or wild inflation. We can't afford to raise taxes. People are still losing houses and jobs at an alarming rate and handing out more TARP and Stimulus money will just increase the burden of paying the money back. Taxes are bad and inflation is probably worse. If you don’t believe me do a quick Google search on inflation in post WWII Germany. Both are bad. Bad for America, bad for our future. Let’s make hard decisions today so we don’t have to deal with either.

I love America. I love what it stands for. I want its future to be even better than our amazing past. I want a future I can believe in, not a promise of bigger or complete government. That is not America, it is not what we represent nor is it where our brightest future lays.

Write your elected officials today and ask them to stand up and stop the bleeding in American politics. Ask them to make the right decisions for America even if it means that they won’t get elected. Ask them be fiscally responsible and repeal the TARP and stimulus bills so no more money we don’t have gets handed out.

We can still save our future but we have to act now. With your help and the help of people all across America we can make America the place we continue to be proud to be a part of.

November 14, 2009

Nobody's lookin'...

Life gets pretty busy, but everyone once in a while, you just have to stop and think about what's going on. When I sat down this morning to look at the news, I saw our Commander in Chief chillin' with the Emperor of Japan. He's bowing...a lot. Take a gander below.

Now, I don't really condemn the man for trying to strengthen relationships abroad, but I have to wonder if this is the right way to go about it. Will he earn the respect of other nations when he shows them in the first instant that he recognizes their superiority? Will other nations look to us as an authority?

I don't think he's earning the Emperor's respect there, but rather his approval. Maybe that's all the President is seeking. Maybe he's not gotten over the High School mentality of trying to be popular and fit in with the cool crowd. And maybe he thinks Japan is extra cool because they have Sony and Toyota.

At any rate, I'd love to hear what he says about his meeting in Japan. I recall another meeting with foreign royalty. When President Obama arrived at is first G-20 summit, he met with the leaders of the world one by one for a photo op. When he came to King Abdullah of Saudi, he gave us this precious Gem:

What was the President's description of this? Well, an aide of his told everyone he was stooping down to hear Abdullah better because he's so tall.

Maybe that's what he'll say about Japan...and maybe we should all pitch in for a Presidential Hearing Aide. The card can say:

Merry Christmas Mr. President, stop making an arse of yourself, and every one of us, abroad.

Love, U.S.A.

UPDATE: Here's an interesting article from HOT AIR that sites a journalist from the NYT back in 1994 about President Bill Clinton "almost" bowing to the same Japanese Emperor. Interesting.

September 27, 2009

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

Really? How is that going to work under the current Senate bill? Let's take a look at this flowchart brought to us by the Republicans on the Joint Economics Committee.

Does this give you a headache? It will...

September 19, 2009

The Tax Man Cometh...

I was reading some articles and blogs earlier tonight, and I found an interesting link to this video.

Taxes are truly an encroachment on our liberty. This is why so many decent Americans are taking the time out of their busy schedules to peaceably organize and protest - to show the Government that Americans know Freedom, and they're not going to relinquish any more of it without a fight.

It really bothers me there are so many on the left, especially in leadership positions, like Nancy Pelosi...and even the big O himself, that are discounting the worries and concerns of these citizens. They have called them racists, and have proclaimed on National television that "special interests" are behind the "Astroturfing" (Astroturfing is a way for the left to say that, rather than this movement being a grassroots movement, it's manufactured by the Right-Wing Special Interests). The funniest thing is that they say that, and they they get the SCIU and ACORN to recruit protesters (thugs) to go to town hall meetings and protests and intimidate, and in some cases even physically violate, the good, decent, and hard-working Americans that are fed up with the rampant and out-of-control liberal agenda that Obama and the Democratic leadership have embarked on.

Here a few videos that show footage from different protests. I think my favorite is the first one here - it's just a surveillance camera that took image captures as the crowds that ran through the streets of Washington D.C. last week steadily grew larger - it's quite amazing to me. If you're reading this and agree with me, you're not alone. If you disagree, I wonder why you're not alone either.

And here's one that shows how things got started back in February of 2009, not even a month into Obama's presidency.

Just a side note, after the inauguration Ceremony for President Obama, there was hoards of trash left on the ground everywhere. This behavior from the environment-loving liberals?

After the Washington Tea Party on the 11th, things were pretty clean. See for yourself...

This is from the Inauguration in January of this year.

This is from the Tea Party last week. I see a small difference.
I just think it's interesting that people who want the Government to leave Americans alone to be responsible for themselves are, in large measure, responsible for themselves!

September 12, 2009

Breakdown on Entitlement Spending

Here's a nice little video that shows us what Obama and the Democrats are trying to do from a slightly different perspective. It's always nice to see things broken down to a basic level.

"It Was Electric"

Yesterday, the Nation remembered September 11, 2001; both the horror, and the bravery. I can't help but think about how the Nation banded together to help one another, and to unite. This video here reminds me of that feeling. It's the feeling I get when I think about the American Spirit; United and Strong. Let Freedom Ring.

September 11, 2009

Yet Another Video...

This is just too good. If you've been acquainted this past 24 hours with the coverage from last night's "big speech", you'll like this one.

Last night during Obama's speech, Congressman Joe Wilson belted out a "You Lie!!!" Now, he apologized to the White House, but I think it was hilarious!

The most awesome part of it? Pelosi. She's actually evil, and now we have the proof.

Thank you Joe Wilson - we'll mourn your loss after Pelosi has you whacked!

September 10, 2009

Voices From the Past...

Here's something I thought we could all enjoy. I remember seeing the Dragnet movie when I was a kid, with Dan Aykroyd playing Joe Friday, but this video is from the original - and it's a true gem - thank goodness it's (almost) Friday.

September 8, 2009

This is Where They Want Us to Go!

I was reading through some articles today, and I found something truly horrific.

It's an article from the Daily Mail, and it documents an incident that happened some time ago where a baby was born at 21 Weeks and 5 days into the pregnancy. This happened in Norfolk, England. What allegedly took place after the baby was born is heartbreaking.

A word of warning; the article contains pictures of a small premature child, and I would caution anyone to use their discretion in viewing them.

Sarah Capewell, the mother of the premature baby from the article, alleges that when the baby was born, the doctors and medics refused to treat him because it was against the State's guidelines to treat a baby born before 22 weeks. So, Miss Capewell's baby was just two days shy of being allowed to live...two days. I've included some quotes below.

"Miss Capewell, 23, said doctors refused to even see her son Jayden, who lived for almost two hours without any medical support.

She said he was breathing unaided, had a strong heartbeat and was even moving his arms and legs, but medics refused to admit him to a special care baby unit."

The article goes on...

"She said: 'When he was born, he put out his arms and legs and pushed himself over. A midwife said he was breathing and had a strong heartbeat, and described him as a "little fighter".

I kept asking for the doctors but the midwife said, "They won't come and help, sweetie. Make the best of the time you have with him".'

She cuddled her child and took precious photos of him, but he died in her arms less than two hours after his birth."

I encourage you to read the full article, if for nothing else, to help hit home what President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi have in mind for us in America.

When the President backed down from the "Public Option" last week, I thought we might be onto something, but then I read this earlier, and I realize that these thugs will stop at nothing to force their ideology on to all of us.

From Jake Tapper's blog at ABC news (not a typically conservative gentleman):

"Both leaders told the president that despite the difficult rough and tumble of the legislative process in the last few weeks, they are optimistic that both the House and Senate can pass health care reform legislation.

What will be in the bill remains an open question, though after the meeting, Reid told reporters that 'we're going to do our very best to have a public option or something like a public option before we finish this work.'”

I've signed the petition at freeourhealthcarenow, and I've urged all of you to do so as well. Also, calling your representatives in Congress might help, unless you have someone like Harry Mitchel of AZ - who is totally useless.

Beyond that, get the word out - talk to people you meet, or to people you already know. A few weeks ago, I started a conversation with a Russian immigrant whom I worked with, and her and a coworker and I discussed both the U.S.S.R. and the current state of affairs in this nation. The lady from Russia was very serious when she said that she "smells Communism coming" and that she "doesn't ever want to go back to a State-run Insurance". If we open our mouths and shed as much light on what is happening as possible, I think we'll win the hearts of those good and decent people in this, our beloved country.

There are good people out there that just don't pay as much attention as they should, but given the truth, they'll see the light, and want to fight what's going down on Capital Hill.

I certainly hope that we can have some effect in setting this country back on the right track, or as close to it as possible.

Carry on.

September 3, 2009

Some Fun

Here's a clip from a Town hall in California. It's a very good summary of the Free Market:

And here's a great clip that I was sent in an email earlier today:

Just as entertaining as having Cable!

August 11, 2009

Will We Believe?

Take a look at this video from a Town Hall that President Obama held today:

Now this one from 2003:

Seriously, when will anyone call him out for this sort of garbage?

A friend and I were talking today, and he mentioned that back when Bush was in office, the media and the far-left would accuse him of lying almost by default. I wonder why there's a scarce few that are calling Obama out on what is clearly serial lying.

Let's not get sucked up into the rhetoric machine that is Obama.

August 7, 2009

Socialized Health Care..."Bring Out Your Dead!"

These past few days has been exciting to watch. There has been a true organic movement across the country of ordinary citizens confronting their representatives at town hall meetings.

One of the more awesome of these confrontation was actually at a town hall "Listening Session" for a group of retirees and their AARP representative.

Just a bit of background on AARP, or the American Association of Retired Persons. This group has held some serious lobbying power in Washington for some time now, and has always backed very left-leaning legislation coming out of Washington.

So, during this "Listening Session", something pretty interesting happened. Here's the video, it's a little long, but watch until at least to the 4:00 mark:

From what I was hearing all over the radio today, these "Volunteers" are being trained to spew their talking points out, and then shut down any counter points. That may be hearsay, but after seeing this video and others like it, I think I believe it.

So what do these retirees have to look forward to if Obamacare passes?

...(please mute the video at exactly 1:53)

Well, now that we've seen the future, we can get on with our lives.

Let freedom ring!

August 4, 2009

The White House - Defenders of Truth!

Last week, there was a video circulating the web that shows an interview that President Obama gave in 2007, as he was beginning his bid for the White House, as well as clips of him from 2003, and clips of other liberals touting a Single Payer Health Plan, which is government language for socialized medicine. These interviews show that what the President really wants is to eliminate the private insurance industry. Here's the video:

Now...this is pretty clear cut to me. It's no surprise to anyone who paid attention during the election, but it's nice to reminisce.

After the video above made its way around for a few days, the White House released this stunning rebuttal:

Are you serious? Taking someone out of context is one thing, but these interviews are clearly Obama speaking to an audience about his "plan".

Come on lady...those clips that you showed to refute other clips of Obama are from the last two months. What do you think he's going to be saying? What, is there some sort of limit on when things aren't valid anymore? Let's be reasonable, I could understand if he said he wanted to eliminate private insurance when he was in college, but a year and a half ago?

This happened a lot during the election. People, myself included, would point out to colleagues or friends that Obama's record was pretty left-wing and radical, and the response was always, "you have to take him on his word now, last week he said ."

Listen, I think it's time we all were intellectually honest - Obama is not telling the truth now about...well...anything really, but especially Health Care.

I'm disgusted by people like Linda Douglas. They know exactly what the President is trying to do, and they're lying to cover it up. It's despicable.

Bob, I hate to tell you this, but you are very stupid. :)

There is a dude named Bob somewhere in the US who in my opinion is very mistaken in his philosophies regarding taxes and who should pay them. I ran into Bob, actually his comments, after reading a blog detailing how President Obama will break his pledge to not raise taxes on the middle class (the corruptionless-class, unlike those filthy rich who wipe their corpulent behinds with thousand dollar bills while starving children shovel coal into their basement furnaces).

So, Bobby Marx makes the following quote to demonstrate his disagreement with, catch this, not the premise that Obama is going to raise taxes when he said he wouldn't (liar), but his disagreement is with the notion that the "rich" shouldn't be burdened with high rates of taxation.

The following is Bob's eloquent comment:

Does anyone out there really believe that $250,000/year is middle class? It’s less than 4% of the population!

Make the richies pay more taxes! They live in a country that enabled them to earn that much- time to pay for the privilege.


Wow!! Let me say that one more time-WOW!!! Are you kidding me!?

But wait, Bob's friend Mike chimes in with a supporting comment:

i agree with BOB. are the top 5% paying enough back to the system they are so good at profiting from?


What!? Paying back the system that they are profiting from! Are you kidding me!!!? Excuse me for not drinking the Kool Aid and thinking that the government provides me with the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. According to the Declaration of Independence, you know that document we sent to the Brits and all other nations throwing off the tyrannical rule of a King, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Now let me be clear (but not clearly lying like you know who), the government does not bestow those rights upon all men. Those are unalienable rights that we are endowed with by our Creator. Neither Bob nor Mike provided any other person with the right to pursue their own way in life, including making a living (whether that living is greater than or less than that of those two tools). To state that the government should confiscate the earnings of one group over another based on the so-called right bestowed on that person to make that living by those around them is fallacious and fueled by ignorance at best, and the greenest of covetousness at worst. If Mike and Bob really believe that they system (of which they are a part) can control who "wins" the "rich lottery", then why don't they lobby for their own success?

Why not? Because they know deep down that each individually controls his destiny, and that it is not the system that discrimately determines the winners and losers, but the choices of individuals. The fallacious concept of systematic control is a malicious justification to set up a "system" that confiscates the "unjust" winnings of another in order to satisfy the envy and covetousness of the so called "have-nots", who more often than not have sufficient but will never have enough (especially if the Jones family just bought a boat).

Additionally, profit comes from providing a service to others. If Bob stopped worrying about taking from those he feels unjustly received their "allowance" and developed a service that was innovative enough to create its own niche in the market, he might end up a "richie." If he provided a service that many needed/wanted and were willing to pay him for, he just might find himself "rich." Then how would he feel? Would he still be drinking the Kool Aid, or would he have spewn it out of his mouth as he came to the realization that he developed that service, and that he earned all that he has? My guess is that the later would be least I hope it would be.

I have an idea. Let's find Mike and Bob and send them out to "rich" areas of town, and have them go door to door explaining to the families living in those areas why they deserve to pay higher taxes. As they do so, M&B, lets just call them BM, can start collecting from those families. Would they do it? Would BM get out and try this little experiment? No, because they wouldn't have the guts to do something like that...I mean they wouldn't have the brains...I mean, they wouldn't dare do anything like a home invasion robbery. And why not? Because they would either get beat down or thrown in jail...preferably both, and because the IRS already does the job of invading homes and confiscating money coersively for them.

Thank you for indulging me and taking the time to read my thoughts regarding Bob and Mike, the Stalin brothers. I hope you more easily see the illogical nature of the "tax the rich" stance.

August 3, 2009

A Little Humor

There's this senator, her name is Maxine. Maxine is a liberal...and an idiot. I don't think that the two are corollary, but when you see Maxine in action, you'd think so.

I found this video tonight. It is brilliant!

Of course, this is an old clip, but it's poignant still today.

August 2, 2009

What We Can Do...

I often wonder what I can do to affect a change to the direction I feel this country is headed in. I found a petition online that is being advertized by several of the leading talk radio hosts in America. The website is called "Free Our Health Care Now"

Here's a video to introduce the petition, and to give a little background as to why it's important.

Please sign it when you have a chance - I think that this might be a step in the right direction.

July 31, 2009

$1 Trillion: An Illustration

How much is $1 Trillion? I found a video that helps to illustrate the answer in a very compelling, yet absolutely terrifying way.

July 29, 2009

Some Interesting Clips

I came across these clips tonight. They're from the Glenn Beck program on FoxNews. I don't usually watch this, because of the cable thing I've noted before, but sometimes I like to catch these.

"The One Thing" from 7/28/09

"The One Thing" from 7/29/09

It's a little scary - people like to bash Beck for being extreme. Granted, he does rattle off quite a bit, but he's got some pretty thoughtful commentary, and he's backing it all up. We should all work to know the issues so that we can speak clearly and intelligently about what we believe.

A Few Precious Gems...

I thought these two blog posts were great, I found them on earlier today.

The first is a clip from Obama's Townhall, the kind where he plants people to ask softball questions about his agenda. This is a very interesting clip, watch this video:

This is what Greg Hengler, the author of the post, had to say about it.

"I've heard him state these 'facts' before. Hate to do it, but can you imagine how quick the media would have pounced on Bush if he was this much of a liar? Can you imagine how often this clip would be played next to fact after fact after fact proving how much he was lying? After this, SNL would spend a whole season mocking our liar of a president."

The next post is just a video featuring one Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). I just like how well he handles the question and introduces some great facts. Here's the video:

In both videos, we see a very important trend, which is lying, and masking what's going on by wrapping it up in pretty, and decidedly moderate rhetoric for the masses. This is getting pretty disgusting.

July 16, 2009

Socialized Health Care - Exposed!

Here's something I ran across this morning. This video is 20 minutes long, but it's very worth watching.

July 15, 2009

Health Care: Go with the Flow

Flowcharts are wonderful. They enable you to map out complex processes on paper so that you can make tweaks and present your ideas to a large variety of groups of people. The more complex the idea or process, the crazier looking the flowchart will be. Here's a really good example of an complex flowchart (click here to view):

This is insane. Seriously. Does anyone really think that this convoluted mess will be in any way good for America? Also, barring the hard-left crazies, can anyone who voted for Obama, and who is intellectually honest, truly say that they are still proud of their decision made back on election day?

I have faith in the American people. I know that, although the majority of us sometimes make uninformed decisions, by and large, Americans are good people. The best the world has to offer.

Let's all be very careful to make sure that this flowchart doesn't become the operating guide for the inevitable bureaucracy that will be "Public Health Care".

Granted, as some readers have pointed out in the past, the health care system we have now isn't perfect. I would absolutely agree with them on that. It's my personal opinion that any ills that have beset the current health care system we have are directly attributed to our Government's interference therein.

Tired of a long wait in the ER? Well, thanks to the Government, the ER has to treat everyone that comes in, regardless of their insurance, lack thereof, or even their citizenship. So what happens when someone that is either uninsured, illegally living in the US, or both, gets sick, or one of their kids gets a cold? Instead of taking them to a pediatrician, they take them to the ER. This is really happening. In fact, there is so much overcrowding that not only are some hospitals shifting toward ER Diversion, where ambulances are redirected to other hospitals mid route, but some hospitals are just plain closing their ERs.

Some will tell me "You're a heartless beast if you think ERs should turn people away!" it necessary for the ER to treat an 8 year old for the sniffles? Before the Government started mandating treatment to the uninsured, and before the nightmare of medicaid and medicare, health care costs were not only much more negotiable on a broader scale, they were much cheaper. All of the malpractice insurance and administrative costs and fees dealing with government agencies have made health care costs skyrocket. If health care was run by the free market, it wouldn't be all that expensive to just take your child into the pediatrician and have them treated for a cold, that is, if you didn't instead just let your kid sleep it off with some cold medicine.

Imagine if our health care system were treated like our car insurance system. You don't use your car insurance to go get the oil changed, do you? You have insurance so that, heaven forbid something major goes wrong, you have the insurance to kick in. Now granted, if you drop your transmission, there aren't a lot of insurance companies that will cover you, but what I'm trying to illustrate is that there are a lot of other alternatives out there like health savings plans that are a lot more attractive than a pork and Bureaucracy laden, 1,000 page, $1 trillion bill that would be thrust upon us.

Then there's this video:

Hey, the American people aren't on board! It's not time for us to "Buck up!" Forget it Obama - I want no part of this crap - I didn't vote for this, or for you.

I urge anyone that can to contact their representatives and Senators and let them know you're opposed to Health Care reform of this magnitude.

For more on this, here's some great videos on Health Care by John Stossel. Here's a small portion of it (my favorite one):

Sick in America: Part 1

Sick in America: Part 2
Sick in America: Part 3
Sick in America: Part 4
Sick in America: Part 5
Sick in America: Part 6

July 6, 2009

OBAMACare: Fact Check

The following is a list of promises made by the President concerning his Health care initiative, followed by links to articles debunking each. The list was emailed to members of the RNC, but posted for all to view on by Matt Lewis, his post is linked here.
This information isn't surprising, given that in every sentence he utters, the President spews forth platitudes so empty and without meaning that they could be equated to a verbal twinkie - tastes good but leaves you even hungrier, and on a complete blood-sugar crash.

June 29, 2009

You Are Smart Enough To Make It...But Not Smart Enough To Use It For Good.

There is a perverse ideology afoot in the Republic which is espoused by the self-appointed intellectual elite.  This repulsive ideology is that in order to have a "moral and just" society, we must be collectively crammed into the same section of the bell curve.  The elite see finances as the way to enforce equality, and thus the idea that government sponsored and enforced redistribution of wealth is the only means to the utopian society that is at the heart of "hope and change and yes we can."  Or in other words, I "hope" I win the liberal lottery and receive greater entitlements like healthcare, free education all the way through college, and possibly $5,000 for every baby I bear...and a house would be nice with a Government Motors car.  The "change" must mean a change in the rules of the game...that what you earn...what you receive as payment for your productivity really isn't yours, and that past a certain amount you really don't deserve fact you are a greedy mother chucker for having made it, you evil heartless beast!  And finally, the "yes we can" is the attitude espoused by the current administration and Congress as they state over and over, "we won, so we can do whatever we want."

If you doubt President Obama's true desires on this subject take a listen to the following audio from a radio interview he gave in 2001.  His words are pretty clear to me...if you doubt his true ambition you are either totally ignorant as to the truth or in denial, or deceptive and laying in wait for the right time to enflame class warfare and socialist redistributions policies.  
Following the Obama interview are several Milton Friedman interviews to give a little comparison of thoughts.
What is so perverse about the elitist stance is that on one hand the individual or family is competent enough to earn a substantial living, but the elitist not only doubts the morality of those earnings, but the ability of that person or family to use their family finances to good ends.  In essence they are saying, "you were smart enough, and prepared yourself sufficiently to make a good living, but you will not use the money you earn for good" (which good only comes from using the money to bring praise to the elite and his/her party of panderers).  So, the only thing left for the elitist liberal is to take what is not his/hers under the auspices of moral superiority stating that the ends justify the means.  The only way this thought process could become any more ridiculous is if those who believed in it dressed in a distinct fashion...similar to how goths dress in all black, gang members self-identify with different colors and dickies pants, and child abductors drive white vans with no windows in the back, the liberal elite who espouse the idea of redistributing wealth in a bizaro world Robin Hoodesque manner should dress the part.  That way their dress would match the absurdity of their ideology.  Time to bring out the green tights and elf shoes.  

If you think that I am mistaken and that Bush had eliminated taxes among the "rich" and that Rob'n for the Hood AKA Obama, Lil John-Joe Biden, and his band of merry men (thugs from ChiTown) are just helping increase patriotism through taxation among those robbed of that special opportunity by Bush, then you are foolishly mistaken and quite possibly are reading this blog while wearing green tights and elf shoes curled up at the toes.  Take a look at the Tax Foundation's figures of how the One's tax increases and overall spending shift has increased the redistribution of wealth.  

So, if you are for the government controlling how you spend your income, or in other words, how much of your income is rightfully yours, then you must have a pretty poor view of your own self worth and a severe inferiority complex to think that the gov can use your money better than you could.  If on the other hand, you feel that you and your family know how to use the money you make to create wealth for yourself and for those you might hire or pay for goods and  services, then you must wake up to the fact that there is a sizable portion of our society that is lurking in the forest, wearing green tights, waiting to pounce on you and take "their share" from your coin purse.  

June 24, 2009

Comparison of Leadership

Here's an interesting video taken from Hannity's America. It's a show on Fox News, the network I can only ever watch while getting a haircut because I can't afford cable. Luckily, because of this amazing invention called "The Internet", we have access to small exerpts from shows on cable - for free...actually, not for free, but cheaper than cable. Let's all take a moment of silence and thank Al Gore for "The Internet", which he invented.

Now, the video linked above shows the comparison between President Obama's response to the chaos in Iran, and President Reagan's response to the Soviet backed Polish Government's crackdown on a Trade Union Federation that was pro-Democracy back in 1981.

For what it's worth, Reagan was better.

Everything is on the Table

I recently viewed a quality video about Obama's health care plan, and how he's planning on paying for it. The man toward the end of the video is Ed Schultz. He's not a conservative. Just wanted to clear that up. Here's a link, and the video is embedded below.

The biggest concern I have is not about taxation, it's about how this Government health care plan will change America. That's right, I said change. If you like going to the MVD/DMV...if you can't wait to go wait in that awfully long line for the chance to be sneered at by some middle-aged lady with a smoker's cough and some very suspicious really are probably looking forward to having the Government take your health care over.

Seriously though, President Obama keeps touting that if you like your coverage as it is, then you'll be able to keep it. How long does he intend for this to be possible?

I don't have the access to any specifics, but let's do a gut check. I don't know anyone who's not successfully self-employed who doesn't use the health care coverage provided to them by their employers. This is a very good deal for most workers that qualify for this coverage. Companies of all shapes and sizes spend a large portion of their resources to negotiating, and then facilitating the Health plan that is both cost beneficial to their bottom lines, as well as appealing to as many current and prospective employees as possible.

Enter Government Health coverage. It will seem like a great deal. Many companies will latch on to the fact that they'll save $$ by just allowing their employees to switch to Obamacare. Everything might seem rosy - and then the health insurance companies, divested of their main source of funding, will fold. We'll have no options, the Government's health coverage will be the only coverage available. That's when it will start to suck. We'll get taxed more and more, which will be followed by the inevitable fact that in order to remain solvent, the Health care peeps will have to cut costs, which will lead to Health Care Rationing - like I've mentioned in a previous post.

People might start to pay for their own care in what's left of the Private Sector - but what happened in Canada might happen here too - they passed a law banning such activities. We'll have no choice but to stagnate and slide deeper into European Socialism.

If you read more and more about it, it gets worse. Here's a link to an article about how Kennedy's bill works, and how it favors the Political Elite. That's exactly what we need...right?
I must mention that the current Health Care system in the USA is not perfect, but does what I've written above sound in any way better to anyone? I hope not.

Enjoy the video. If you'd like, here's a website where you can lend your voice to the cause of freeing up our health care.

June 11, 2009

OBAMA and the "Honest Debate" Deception

One thing that I always wonder when I hear the President speak is how more people don't catch the fact that he's double speaking. What he says and what he does never lines up completely.

Take, for instance, the following glimpse at what he's planning with his single-payer Health care plan. Please watch this.

The President has said all along that he wants to give the people choice with healthcare plans, but this video shows what the agenda is, and how the words that Obama uses don't quite explain things too clearly.

With a single-payer plan funded by the Federal Government, not only would you have your healthcare managed by the same team that brings you the fabulously efficient Motor Vehicle Divisions across the country, but you would quickly see funding becoming a major source of pain to the taxpayers of this country. Furthermore, what happens when funding is becoming scarce for the Medicare on steroids? What will happen is what has happened in Canada and Britain, just to name a couple of examples, which is healthcare rationing. Healthcare rationing means that not only will there be a pure shortage of services, which will lead to waiting lists and lines for something so simple as a checkup, but also a bureaucratic analysis of what "efficient" concerning costs of care.

So, for example, if you're a financially secure 55 year old white male, and you need some radical surgery to replace your left leg because of a crazy shark attack at Pebble Beach - just hypothetically - you'd be able to get the surgery on a private plan, but when you try and apply for the surgery on the Gov. Health plan, your case would go to a "committee" where they discuss if your surgery is cost effective. Verdict: live without the left leg.

Realistically, people die on Canadian Healthcare waiting lists on a semi-regular basis waiting for things like Chemo-Therapy or Heart Surgery. Here's a little database of some specifics.

Bottom line: The people advocating Government Healthcare in that video, and all over the country, believe that the single-payer Government Health plan will be compassionate, and equitable, but it will more than likely be neither.

May 21, 2009

Dick Cheney gives a great speech

Today was a nice day for speeches about National Security. We first had President Obama give a speech in the very home of the original Constitution of the United States, and the original Bill of Rights. His speech was aimed primarily at explaining his actions and pointing out the fact that there's a fine line between Transparency and National Security.

It was a nice speech. It was loaded up heavily with contradictions such as the "Surgical Approach" line that he used in his campaign. What I mean by that is that he promises that he'll be as transparent as possible, and that he'll overhaul the "State's Secrets" policy that has been used for decades by administrations from both parties, but that he'll use a "surgical approach". Translation: "I'm really not going to do what I just said, I'll just I'm a surgeon...". Hey Mr. President, surgeons actually work - they go through an inhumane amount of schooling and training to get to where they are - they don't just fall backward into a pile of money the size of Uncle Scrooge's Money Bin and spend all their days golfing - I don't know if you were aware of that - so don't take all of their money by way of over-taxation, and don't destroy their careers through socializing medicine!!

Okay...back to the subject.

The President tends to contradict himself in many of his speeches. Maybe it's not as much contradicting himself as it is just lying. I don't know if I'm allowed to use the "L" word though. It's amazing to me that he can get away with it so well. He is a great speaker - he really makes those speeches come alive. The text of his full speech is here, so read it if you will. However, when you listen to the speech, rather than just read it, I would venture to say you'd agree with me that he is a gifted man.

All gifts aside, I prefer a little substance. If all our leaders had an honest and sincere position to stand behind, we'd all be better off. That's why I liked Dick Cheney's speech, which almost immediately followed President Obama's speech, that he gave at the American Enterprise Institute.

Former Vice President Cheney is a good man with a very honest approach. This is the line I liked the best:

"Your kind invitation brings me here as a private citizen, a career in politics behind me, no elections to win or lose, and no favor to seek."

Wow, imagine if all political speeches had such promise!

Here's a link to the transcript of Dick Cheney's speech, and here are the links to the video of the speech - part 1, 2, 3, and 4.

I've embedded some little gems for y'all below:

I like the fact that Dick Cheney is out there trying his darnedest to set the record straight. I'm giving him my vote to keep on going.

May 13, 2009

Oh No...

Please enjoy this video clip taken before the White House Correspondent Dinner began.

May 11, 2009

ACORN - pretty scary.

Please watch This, but before you do, make sure you're sitting down, with a bowl of Ice Cream - preferably Mint 'n' Chip, the Breyer's variety.

Blame Game

This morning I read the following headline on the Drudge Report:
High U.S. Budget Deficits not Obama's Fault - Orzag.

I thought it was interesting that this is the official tone of the White House, and has been since the beginning of this administration. If there's a problem, or if there's any criticism concerning how President Obama reacts to any situations, the standard defense is "Let's not forget, I inherited this (insert problem)..."

The article above is in related to the Budget deficit, which is now estimated to be $1.8Trillion.

To be fair, Obama didn't blame Bush for the NYC Air force 1 press photo fiasco; for that he blamed his Military Office Director.

That was darn decent of him.

What will be a fun game the next three and a half years is to try and guess which official in the cabinet will next fall on their sword for Obama.

Long live the King.

May 5, 2009

The American Trinity: A Video Presentation

I stumbled upon this video today, it was linked from the blog on Townhall. I really enjoyed it, and if you follow the link to Youtube, you can find more related videos.

Here's the link.

God Bless America.

May 3, 2009


This past week, a major change crept over the American Auto industry. Chrysler declared bankruptcy. The deal was announced on Thursday by the President and spelled out in detail all over the news. Here's one the articles that I urge you to read.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Auto companies declaring bankruptcy, in order to free themselves from the bondage of the UAW, the United Auto Workers' Union; I say bondage because of the handicap that this union imposes on our American auto companies (here's a great Op ed piece by Mitt Romney that expounds on that). However, sometimes I wonder how these decisions are made.

Here's a fun quote from Jake Tapper's blog (Tapper's an ABC News correspondent for the White House Press Corp.): "A leading bankruptcy attorney representing hedge funds and money managers told ABC News Saturday that Steve Rattner, the leader of the Obama administration's Auto Industry Task Force, threatened one of the firms, an investment bank, that if it continued to oppose the administration's Chrysler bankruptcy plan, the White House would use the White House press corps to destroy its reputation."

What? When you read further, you'll see the response from the White House: "The charge is completely untrue," said White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton, "and there's obviously no evidence to suggest that this happened in any way."

Neat huh? Remember in Elementary School? "Teacher, Billy hit me!" Then little Billy pipes up..."Prove it!"

Ah, the White House at its best.

In the blog sited above you'll also read that there were four larger creditors to Chrysler, that were owed 70% of the total debt on Chrysler's books, that the investment firm in question joined in eventually pushing for bankruptcy. The four creditors were JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs. The blog points out that all of these firms and companies are recipients of huge amounts of TARP money. Hmm. I wonder if that had anything to do with their enthusiasm to take 29 cents on the dollar for their loans.

This is where our country is going - God Bless America.

PS - For those of you not familiar with Chrysler here are some cars they make:

The Dodge Challenger - very sweet!

Dodge Caravan - very nice!

Jeep - excellent!

Chrysler Sebring - Crap Sandwitch! There had to be some reason for the bankruptcy, right?

April 28, 2009

Swine Flu: All Your Fault

I thought I would share this interesting bit from Michelle Malkin's blog. Apparently the outbreak of the flu is actually the result of House Republicans opposing the $1T pork stimulus, which included $900M of funding for pandemic preparations.

The man who added this money into the Stimulus bill was David Obey, House Appropriations Committee Chairman. He argued that a pandemic breakout in the midst of a steep economic downturn would throw us into a depression. Now he and other key Democrats are saying that, because of the resistance the GOP gave this line item in the package, they're to blame for the Flu Pandemic!!!

More from the article:

"So any natural disaster or bio-catastrophe that comes along, for which fiscal conservatives refused to support funding for in an economic recovery package, will now be all. Our. Fault. And President Obama can once again invoke his time-tested alibi: He "inherited" the problem."

By the way, Here's something that Chuck Schumer said a couple of months ago: “All those little porky things that the House put in, the money for the [National] Mall or the sexually transmitted diseases or the flu pandemic, they’re all out,”

That's right! Senator Chuck Schumer opposed the Pandemic Pork as well - and he's a Democrat! You can read more on that here.

And, just in case you were wondering, back in 2005, when President Bush and then Health and Human Services secretary Mike Leavitt worked to push through their Flu Pandemic plan that cost $7.1BILLION. It was a sweeping plan that opened up several stages of Government, ranging from local to federal, to work together to stockpile vaccines, and also worked with vaccine companies and made it much more easy for them to research, develop, and release vaccines in a speedy time frame to counteract any pandemics. Read more here.

This bill has made it much more easy for President Obama, who's insisted on taking a much more active roll in managing this health scare.

I bet we won't hear much about how Obama "inherited" that, will we?

Here's a bonus item:

April 26, 2009

Unity and Debate

Last week, former Vice President Al Gore and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich both testified before a legislative committee concerning their views on Man-Made Global Warming, as they pertain to a new bill that is being debated in committee which will create a Cap and Trade energy plan.

"Cap and Trade" refers to a system in which the Federal Government sets a limit on the amount of pollutants that a company can emit into the environment, but also issues certain credits or permits that can be saved up, sold to, and/or traded with other companies and industries so that the "Cap" can be more flexible. See illustration below for a better idea of how this works.

There are some things about this "plan" that intrigue me, but they are few and far between when I look at the system in theory, and especially when I add into the equation how our beautiful Government is going about implementing it into our society, and the inevitable effect it will have on our Economy.

When I take it all into account, a "Cap and Trade" program sounds an awful lot like a corrupt plan that will push us closer to full scale Economic Planning. "Economic Planning" pretty much describes Communism, some forms of Fascism, and Socialism - all are very similar, one way being that they all take away an individual's freedom to choose for himself what sort of life to lead and how to lead it.

Getting back to the testimonies, I wanted to point out something I found rather interesting. Al Gore was, as always, adamant about the "Fact" that Global Warming is Man-Made. When a handful of lawmakers point out that there are some very real issues that are still up for debate, and that there is no certain consensus in the scientific community, Mr. Gore compares challengers of his theories to those who think the Moon landing was staged on a studio lot in Arizona. I thought you might like to see a video of that encounter here.

Going forward with his arguments, Mr. Gore then calls for the end of division and partisanship in this crisis of Man-Made Global Warming. He pleads for us to let our differences of opinion not get in the way of saving our planet. He pleads for Unity!

Unity? What does that really mean? In this situation, it means nothing. What does Al mean when he pleads with us all to unite? He means that he wants those of us that don't want a Cap and Trade system forced on us, who don't believe that there's a crisis, to just forget all about that and accept the snake oil she's peddling.

Does Mr. Gore really want unity? No, or he'd be willing to change his position.

Is unity even possible when two or more people are at odds with their values or beliefs? It's a question I've heard asked before. I don't really think that unity, in these sort of situations, can really exist. Can Compromise occur? You bet! But unity means so much more than compromise. It's truly when our hearts and minds are on the same page with one another.

My wife and I are united, we don't really have opposing views on things. Al Gore and I...not so much. But we can be united! I mean, I really think it's possible to for Al Gore and I to see eye to eye...but only if he changes his mind and calls for an end to the Cap and Trade program!


PS - Here's Newt!

April 17, 2009

Don't Tread On Me!

We here at Sons of Liberty United would like to wish you a happy weekend.  If you are lacking in motivation this should help you!  Remember, don't tread on me. :)

April 15, 2009

Scotts march to pipes...freedom loving Americans march to Uncle Ted on guitar (I know you are thinking of buying a guitar now...its natural):

April 14, 2009

A Letter From the Boss:

Since this is Tax Day Eve, and seeing as how my colleague Dransfield has written such a great post about taxes, I this would be appropriate to share with you. By way of disclaimers, this is not a real letter.

As the VP of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President, and that our taxes, and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. Since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off six of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me, since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go. So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lot and found six 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change; I gave it to them. I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.

This made me laugh...a lot. Here's some pics that I think do this letter justice:

Happy Tax Day to one and all!

April 11, 2009

Biden isn't the only Liar

During the Presidential Election this past Fall, Obama made many promises to the American people.  One such promise was directed mainly towards calming the "middle class" and the poor.  Curious to what the promise could be?  Watch Obama give the promise himself: 

So, there you have it! No taxes will be raised on the poor or "middle class." (We will get into 
the "middle class" next) But just this last month taxes were raised on Cigarettes. Wait, poor 
Americans are more likely to be smokers. Wait, that means that this tax does affect the poor.
That is right... its a regressive tax...and it allows Obama to do what he accused Republicans 
of saying he would do during the Presidential campaign, i.e.-that he would be a tax and spend 
liberal democrat. Well, yep, that seems spot on!!
I know that if pressed, Obama would probably say that the tax is going to pay for children who 
do not have health coverage...but that does not discount the fact that it is a tax that affects the 
very group he promised not to tax. Either Obama is naive and mistakenly made too many 
promises...or he is a liar. I think that his failure to admit naiveness leaves us with one 
conclusion: YOU LIED TO ME!!!!

And how does that make you feel? AAANGRY!!!!!

So, there you have it...Obama makes a promise...breaks his promise under the guise of a higher
end...and gets away with it because the media isn't doing too much fact checking on Obama.

Question: What incentive does this give the federal government to really attack smoking? Well,
now there is a huge disincentive...the government doesn't want smokers to quit...then this
nicotine addicted source of revenue would dry up! Now that is totally ethical.

If Obama really wanted to make a difference in the health of the nation he would repeat what Yule

Maybe Obama doesn't want to do that because he is still smoking himself. Well, saying one 
thing and doing another never stopped him before...