April 9, 2009

Capitalism Vs. Socialism

Rasmussen Reports has reported the following:

"Only 53% of American adults believe capitalism is better than socialism."

What is happening? What kind of Country are we becoming? Have the near majority of us not ever thought about what freedom is?

Now, granted, the poll doesn't say that 47% of Americans believe that Socialism is better, actually, what is says is "20% disagree and say socialism is better. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure which is better." Yikes!

Although this is just a poll, it's not very heartening. I refuse to believe that the body of the American people, once they really understand what Socialism means in practice to them personally, and to our country collectively, will embrace it, or even tolerate it.

That's just me though.


  1. This is a perfect example of what I hear Rush say day in and day out that for most Americans their concept of history begins on the day they were born. I think if Americans had a better grasp on history and the results of things like socialism, that poll would not be so close.

  2. In my opinion many Americans take no time to educate themselves. They listen to propaganda and think, "That sounds nice: free health care, free living, free food, for all." Well, it's not free. It comes with a hefty price tag: our freedom!
