For example, you may or may not have read about the shooting spree that occurred in Alabama some weeks ago, it was on every major news station and in all sorts of other forms of media. Heck, it even showed up in the UK! What didn't show up everywhere, however, was this story, or this one, or this one either...
I wonder why these stories of prevented criminal violence weren't nationally heralded like the shooter in Alabama was? Could it be that the stories of how guns save lives and discourage violent criminal activity could have an effect on the national public opinion of gun ownership and the Second Amendment?
It's pretty darn important for all of us that the Second Amendment, the right to bare arms, is protected. These are turbulent times we're living in, and the world is truly in commotion. Would it not be prudent to have some food storage and some sort of meaningful protection against invaders of both our homes and our country?
Critics will disagree with my observation and site the danger of owning guns in the home. Or, they'll bring up that there must be more regulations for buying guns.
Let me address the latter suggestion first - Cars kill more people than guns do each year, domestically. How easy is it to get a driver's license and a car registered? The car basically has to be in good mechanical shape and then you're good. Why do we make honest people that wish to own guns for their own protection/enjoyment go through crazy hoops? Does anyone think that the criminals intent on doing harm have the same hoops to jump through?
Concerning the danger of owning a gun, I've added a quote from "Freakonomics", which is a great book written by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner:
"What's more dangerous: a swimming pool or a gun? When it comes to children, there is no comparison: a swimming pool is 100 times more deadly.
In 1997 alone (the last year for which data are available), 742 children under the age of 10 drowned in the United States last year alone. Approximately 550 of those drownings — about 75 percent of the total — occurred in residential swimming pools. According to the most recent statistics, there are about six million residential pools, meaning that one young child drowns annually for every 11,000 pools.
About 175 children under the age of 10 died in 1998 as a result of guns. About two-thirds of those deaths were homicides. There are an estimated 200 million guns in the United States. Doing the math, there is roughly one child killed by guns for every one million guns.
Thus, on average, if you both own a gun and have a swimming pool in the backyard, the swimming pool is about 100 times more likely to kill a child than the gun is."
Clearly we're fed a line from not only the liberal politicians in Washington, but the mainstream media. Both parties wish, for one reason or another, to slowly take away our right to bare arms, as provisioned in the Second Amendment. We can fight this in a few different ways, that I know of. We can buy a gun. We can support the NRA, which actively lobbies in Washington against the liberals. We can write to our congressmen/congresswomen. And, we can spread the word to everyone we can. Go and tell it on the mountain!May we all be vigilant in our freedom, for should we fail in this, we won't have it much longer.
Whether or not I choose to own a gun I want the criminal who is considering breaking into my house, or worse, to have to wonder if I do. I don't want guns to be illegal and for him to know that the only people who have guns in this country are the criminals, because criminals by definition don't abide by the law. So, increasing gun laws and restrictions only keeps guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves and not out of the hands of criminals. That is the scary reality.