Let's let that last one sink in there...
That's right, Obama's now aiming at taking control of how much an executive can be paid, period. This is one step closer to nationalizing businesses, and taking away the freedom of the American worker, tying the hands of the productive in this country and killing the ambition of those that are seeking to make a better way in life.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't make much money, but I'd like to some day. I don't think I'd be evil if I was getting paid a very handsome annual salary; not if I was good at what I did and being compensated according to what the Market dictates.
I've observed in my chosen vocation that there are different tiers of companies when it comes to pay scale, sort of like Baseball. There's the Little Leagues, the fellas that snack on "Big League Chew" because they don't quite have the stomach yet for the real stuff, then there's the Minors, the ones that are pretty big, but have a hard time attracting the top talent, and then there's the Majors, the ones that have no problem getting the best executives, and paying them what they need to.
Granted, sometimes you'll get idiots, like with a good amount of the banks that got in over their heads (Not all of them did, may I add). But I don't put all the blame on them, the legislative branch really did a lot contribute too. It's sort of like this cartoon here:

People are people, and when you pretty much give them an opening and turn a blind eye, some people will jump at the chance to get a quick buck, and some won't.
Now, here's some choice quotes from that article linked up top:
"Depending on the outcome of the discussions, the administration could seek to put the changes into effect through regulations rather than through legislation."
- Nice, so nobody will vote on it...I guess that's one if the things that we "voted" for in November.
"A central aspect of the plan, which has already been announced by the administration, would give the government greater authority to take over and resolve problems at large troubled companies not now regulated by Washington, like insurance companies and hedge funds."
"Officials say the rules could also be applied more broadly to publicly traded companies..."
So, overall, This is bad. I really don't know how far this new regulation stuff will go, but it is troubling nonetheless. When Government steps out of the way, we unleash the drive and ambition of the American people, and there's nothing that can stop us from there...except the Government...
First of all, I don't know how I hadn't noticed that presidents initials are BO, but that's awesome 'cause he stinks! Okay, so I recently read a book set in the time period of the French Revolution and now we're watching a series set during the American Revolution. The reason the French Revolution was so horrible was because the poor people were appalled at the lifestyle of the rich and decided to bring them all down. Now I know there was oppression and more factors involved but it got to a point where all the revolutionists cared about was that they belonged to the class of people who had it easy, so they needed to die (men, women and children). There was some craziness during the American Revolution as well, but the reason it turned out better was that the leaders were God fearing people and with the Lord on their side they were able to keep things in perspective and were blessed for it. That same country has now done everything they can to undermine religious values, they've all but forbidden people to worship God. Now with this, I fear that we're behaving more like the French Revolutionists, only we're using the law to destroy our society rather than a lack of it.
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