March 1, 2009

We Are Conservatives!

What does being a conservative mean? This question is being kicked around a lot lately, particularly by those that would have all of America think that the conservative movement is a thing of the past. We defy those critics, and would like to use this forum to declare that, for us, conservative principles fall under the following general values:
  • Individual Responsibility - Less Government
  • Liberty
  • A deep respect for the Constitution
Individual responsibility is an antonym of Government largess. As the new administration begins this new era of big government, the welfare state will grow along with it, thus creating a culture of dependency. A dependency on nothing less than being "taken care of." Mitt Romney put it best in saying "Dependency is death to initiative, risk-taking and opportunity. Dependency is culture killing. It's a drug. We've got to fight it like the poison it is." As the democrats seek to tax the wealthy, they'll find, as in many times past, that it won't be enough to satisfy the cost of their agenda, and they'll continue to invade our lives with intrusive policies.

Liberty is at the forefront of each and every new policy debate since January. What's being debated, what's being raised as outrageous, is the lack of liberty that we as a country afford to the prisoners we hold in various detentions centers. Prisoners that were taken captive as they were attacking US citizens. What is not outrageous to the Liberals, is their agenda to take our right to bare arms. Liberals don't mind taxing us, taking our money, our guns, our ability to live the American dream on fair terms, our freedom to choose which schools to send our children to, or which news outlet we'd like to listen to/read (yes, those last two are actual agendas that have been debated in Congress) but they wouldn't dream of offending terrorists.

The Preamble to the Constitution sums it up best. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." It's all there, isn't it? Why try and change it? There has been a steady barrage of law suits, as well as prospective legislation, that have sought to overturn, distort, and otherwise deface the Constitution of the United States of America. Rather than support judges who seek to rewrite the Constitution, we support Legislators and Executives who will appoint judges who seek to uphold it, by the letter of the law.

We've chosen this topic as our first post in order to clearly state what we believe. We could probably go on and on, but that would spoil the surprise. Thank you for reading this, we hope that it got you thinking!


Sons of Liberty

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Cory. VERY well stated. I look forward to checking back here often!
